Title: "Alabama's big-name, big body recruits heard the warnings, still blown away by Scott Cochran workouts" Post by: WALL-E on February 09, 2014, 12:08:01 AM Alabama's big-name, big body recruits heard the warnings, still blown away by Scott Cochran workouts
Title: Re: "Alabama's big-name, big body recruits heard the warnings, still blown away by Scott Cochran wor Post by: Chechem on February 09, 2014, 06:31:45 AM Quote "Man, the workouts... At the beginning, man, the workouts were painful," said Cameron Robinson, a 5-star tackle who's one of the top recruits in the nation. "Coach Cochran, he was killing us. We just had to get in and get used to it. Our bodies get adjusted to it. We've been rolling all, just working hard every day." ... I been 'rolling all' too. ??? Title: Re: "Alabama's big-name, big body recruits heard the warnings, still blown away by Scott Cochran wor Post by: 2Stater on February 09, 2014, 06:54:02 AM Quote "Man, the workouts... At the beginning, man, the workouts were painful," said Cameron Robinson, a 5-star tackle who's one of the top recruits in the nation. "Coach Cochran, he was killing us. We just had to get in and get used to it. Our bodies get adjusted to it. We've been rolling all, just working hard every day." ... I been 'rolling all' too. ??? On NSD, Tom Renaldi interviewed Cam and asked him when he realized he wasn't in High School anymore. Cam said "My first workout with Coach Cochran". :lol2: Title: Re: "Alabama's big-name, big body recruits heard the warnings, still blown away by Scott Cochran wor Post by: Chechem on February 09, 2014, 07:13:38 AM Quote "Man, the workouts... At the beginning, man, the workouts were painful," said Cameron Robinson, a 5-star tackle who's one of the top recruits in the nation. "Coach Cochran, he was killing us. We just had to get in and get used to it. Our bodies get adjusted to it. We've been rolling all, just working hard every day." ... I been 'rolling all' too. ??? On NSD, Tom Renaldi interviewed Cam and asked him when he realized he wasn't in High School anymore. Cam said "My first workout with Coach Cochran". :lol2: :lol2: Imagine being Coach Cochran's kid. Just taking out the garbage could be an issue! (http://www.ctcartoons.com/wp-content/uploads/symbiostock_rf_content/309-minipic.jpg) Title: Re: "Alabama's big-name, big body recruits heard the warnings, still blown away by Scott Cochran wor Post by: 2Stater on February 09, 2014, 07:16:48 AM Quote "Man, the workouts... At the beginning, man, the workouts were painful," said Cameron Robinson, a 5-star tackle who's one of the top recruits in the nation. "Coach Cochran, he was killing us. We just had to get in and get used to it. Our bodies get adjusted to it. We've been rolling all, just working hard every day." ... I been 'rolling all' too. ??? On NSD, Tom Renaldi interviewed Cam and asked him when he realized he wasn't in High School anymore. Cam said "My first workout with Coach Cochran". :lol2: :lol2: Imagine being Coach Cochran's kid. Just taking out the garbage could be an issue! (http://www.ctcartoons.com/wp-content/uploads/symbiostock_rf_content/309-minipic.jpg) Definitely may have some daddy issues in later life. :lol2: Title: Re: "Alabama's big-name, big body recruits heard the warnings, still blown away by Scott Cochran wor Post by: Jamos on February 09, 2014, 08:41:18 AM Quote "Man, the workouts... At the beginning, man, the workouts were painful," said Cameron Robinson, a 5-star tackle who's one of the top recruits in the nation. "Coach Cochran, he was killing us. We just had to get in and get used to it. Our bodies get adjusted to it. We've been rolling all, just working hard every day." ... I been 'rolling all' too. ??? On NSD, Tom Renaldi interviewed Cam and asked him when he realized he wasn't in High School anymore. Cam said "My first workout with Coach Cochran". :lol2: |