Title: CyKo is blowing it Post by: bama87 on February 22, 2014, 04:01:51 PM CyKo is making a mess of the Combine. He ran a 5.5 and was near the bottom of the drills. Mayock ripped him. Plus this story.
http://www.al.com/alabamafootball/index.ssf/2014/02/former_alabama_lt_cyrus_kouand.html Title: Re: CyKo is blowing it Post by: Chechem on February 22, 2014, 04:09:35 PM Quote According to NFL Network's Ian Rapoport, "several teams" failed Kouandjio during his physical because of an "arthritic knee from failed surgery." I don't think an arthritic knee means he's blowing it. Prolly hurts. :( Title: Re: CyKo is blowing it Post by: pmull on February 22, 2014, 04:13:39 PM Quote According to NFL Network's Ian Rapoport, "several teams" failed Kouandjio during his physical because of an "arthritic knee from failed surgery." I don't think an arthritic knee means he's blowing it. Prolly hurts. :( Still having trouble from the surgery he had his freshman year. Hopefully it does not hurt his draft status too much. Title: Re: CyKo is blowing it Post by: Marshal Dillon on February 22, 2014, 04:16:21 PM I have arthritis in my right knee after meniscus surgery. Some days are better than others. It can hurt like the dickens, but that's my fault because of some of the things I do. Plus, Kuandijo is a lot younger than me and should be able to bounce back. I see him as a 4th round pick, at best, now. This may explain his performance this past year.
:dunno: Title: Re: CyKo is blowing it Post by: bama87 on February 22, 2014, 04:28:48 PM I guess I was referring to the slow times and possibly being out of shape. The Combine is all about the money.
Title: Re: CyKo is blowing it Post by: McBaman on February 22, 2014, 09:47:50 PM What does "failed surgery" mean???
Title: Re: CyKo is blowing it Post by: Chechem on February 23, 2014, 06:14:32 AM What does "failed surgery" mean??? Guess it depends on the type of surgery. For a knee, it means the full function isn't re-established. For gender surgery... ? :dunno: Title: Re: CyKo is blowing it Post by: 2Stater on February 23, 2014, 04:28:18 PM What does "failed surgery" mean??? Guess it depends on the type of surgery. For a knee, it means the full function isn't re-established. For gender surgery... ? :dunno: :lol: (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/98/Stuart_Smalley.jpg/300px-Stuart_Smalley.jpg) |