Title: "Wrapping up former Alabama safety Vinnie Sunseri's trip to the 2014 NFL Combine" Post by: WALL-E on February 25, 2014, 08:51:04 PM Wrapping up former Alabama safety Vinnie Sunseri's trip to the 2014 NFL Combine
Title: Re: "Wrapping up former Alabama safety Vinnie Sunseri's trip to the 2014 NFL Combine" Post by: Chechem on February 26, 2014, 05:32:59 AM Quote "Me and my dad talked about it. We talked about how I had an All-American year this year before I got hurt. I was a midseason All-American, I had great film. All I could do is come back to another year and reimplement that, have another All-American year. I just thought that I did enough this year to prove to professional teams and prove to coaches that I was ready to take that next step." ... Projected as 5th-round pick?? By whom?? :tinfoil: Title: Re: "Wrapping up former Alabama safety Vinnie Sunseri's trip to the 2014 NFL Combine" Post by: 2Stater on February 26, 2014, 07:10:33 AM Quote "Me and my dad talked about it. We talked about how I had an All-American year this year before I got hurt. I was a midseason All-American, I had great film. All I could do is come back to another year and reimplement that, have another All-American year. I just thought that I did enough this year to prove to professional teams and prove to coaches that I was ready to take that next step." ... Projected as 5th-round pick?? By whom?? :tinfoil: The Canadians? :dunno: |