Title: "Lane Kiffin's former players expect him to find success at Alabama, call him an 'offensive guru'" Post by: WALL-E on March 03, 2014, 04:19:03 AM Lane Kiffin's former players expect him to find success at Alabama, call him an 'offensive guru'
Title: Re: "Lane Kiffin's former players expect him to find success at Alabama, call him an 'offensive guru Post by: Chechem on March 03, 2014, 05:27:01 AM Quote Most of the responses to questions about Kiffin sounded a lot like former USC tight end Xavier Grimble's. "I think he's going to do well in that position," Grimble said. "I still think he will be a good coach later on if he gets another opportunity to be a head coach. I couldn't see why he wouldn't do well at it." ... Grimble's memories started on the practice fields, where Kiffin would "draw up some plays off the back of his hand." Kiffin's national perception, in the negative sense, is "overdone," Grimble said. "He's not a bad person or a bad coach. He knows what he's doing," Grimble said. "Obviously, everyone's a critic who's not out there or playing for him. He's good with the players. He's a players' coach. :popcorn2: :popcorn2: :popcorn2: |