Title: RBR: Alabama's Experiment with the Head Coach In Waiting Post by: pmull on June 13, 2011, 01:31:06 PM This is an excellant article from Roll Bama Roll about the coaching transition from Wallace Wade to Frank Thomas. This is a very interesting story about some of Bama's early success as a national football power.
Quote Wade, now a lame-duck coach, didn't have any intention of mailing in his final season in Tuscaloosa. On the first day of practice, he made his intentions clear to the players: "Boys, I'm going to win the da#@ championship this year. Now those of you who want to be part of it, let's get going," he said. "If there is anybody here that is not 100% committed, leave now." The 1930 squad proved to be one of the most formidable in Alabama history. Over the course of the season they outscored opponents 247 - 13. No less than eight times that season he started the game with the second unit, let them play a quarter, and then put in the starters. The practice tended to completely demoralize the opposition. http://www.rollbamaroll.com/2011/6/13/2218408/alabamas-experiment-with-the-head-coach-in-waiting#storyjump Title: Re: RBR: Alabama's Experiment with the Head Coach In Waiting Post by: ricky023 on June 13, 2011, 02:10:53 PM Wow this man was some kind of knowledgeable. I wonder how many coaches ever thought of this? I would have to say in my mind not many if any at all, this can only come from an Alabama coach. RTR!
Title: Re: RBR: Alabama's Experiment with the Head Coach In Waiting Post by: SUPERCOACH on June 13, 2011, 04:52:55 PM No less than eight times that season he started the game with the second unit, let them play a quarter, and then put in the starters. The practice tended to completely demoralize the opposition. Brilliant! I think we have the depth to do that some right now if we wanted to. We should have done that in the last bowl game. Roll Tide! Title: Re: RBR: Alabama's Experiment with the Head Coach In Waiting Post by: cbbama99 on June 13, 2011, 08:44:16 PM Great story, and it show the immense class that was already in place here at the Capstone even in the early years. Wade and Thomas are always overshadowed by CPB, but these guys deserve so much credit for building this program into what it is today. RIP CWW and CFT, and RTR forever!