Title: Bama Sports Report: Scholarship Numbers 6/13/11 Post by: pmull on June 14, 2011, 11:00:28 AM Bama Sports Report tries to sort out the 85 scholarship players for the 2011 season. I choose to leave this us to CNS and the coaching staff but at this time of the year I will read anything printed on Bama Football.
http://www.bamasportsreport.com/2011-articles/june/scholarship-numbers-61311.html Title: Re: Bama Sports Report: Scholarship Numbers 6/13/11 Post by: ricky023 on June 14, 2011, 11:28:06 AM #+ aight pmull you get another e-cred on that find. It was some great numbers and I almost understood them. My only question is why have Robby green on the list if he is not coming back. I sure hate to see Kerry Murphy leave, he was a hard worker. RTR!
Title: Re: Bama Sports Report: Scholarship Numbers 6/13/11 Post by: bama87 on June 14, 2011, 09:41:58 PM I believe the numbers will work themselves out. The 85 schollys are a hard number. I think CNS and staff know what the number is. That said I think some players see the depth chart and decide to transfer. Only the best play and if they can't make it up the ladder and want to leave, I say see ya.