Title: Chizik's New Contract Allows Him to Be Paid During an NCAA Investigation Post by: Bamaphile on June 15, 2011, 01:55:32 PM http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=6661920
Hmmmm..... Interesting. Title: Re: Chizik's New Contract Allows Him to Be Paid During an NCAA Investigation Post by: cbbama99 on June 15, 2011, 02:16:20 PM Huh! Anybody smelling smoke .....
(http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_PGvSoaafXiI/Sk5YoyxFZ3I/AAAAAAAAGRo/FXpBZ6OKHMs/s400/barn-burning.jpg) Title: Re: Chizik's New Contract Allows Him to Be Paid During an NCAA Investigation Post by: pmull on June 15, 2011, 02:24:28 PM What is the barn doing? Chizik has a record 2 games over .500. Malzahn will be gone after next year and Chizik is lost without him. No one is looking to hire Chizik nor should the barn be concerned about him leaving. So why the big contract and buyout - it has to be HUSH MONEY to keep him from telling all he knows.
Title: Re: Chizik's New Contract Allows Him to Be Paid During an NCAA Investigation Post by: BAMAWV on June 15, 2011, 02:33:03 PM What is the barn doing? Chizik has a record 2 games over .500. Malzahn will be gone after next year and Chizik is lost without him. No one is looking to hire Chizik nor should the barn be concerned about him leaving. So why the big contract and buyout - it has to be HUSH MONEY to keep him from telling all he knows. #+Title: Re: Chizik's New Contract Allows Him to Be Paid During an NCAA Investigation Post by: cbbama99 on June 15, 2011, 02:55:53 PM What is the barn doing? Chizik has a record 2 games over .500. Malzahn will be gone after next year and Chizik is lost without him. No one is looking to hire Chizik nor should the barn be concerned about him leaving. So why the big contract and buyout - it has to be HUSH MONEY to keep him from telling all he knows. ^^^THIS^^^ #+ Title: Re: Chizik's New Contract Allows Him to Be Paid During an NCAA Investigation Post by: TheVarsity on June 15, 2011, 03:15:25 PM What is the barn doing? Chizik has a record 2 games over .500. Malzahn will be gone after next year and Chizik is lost without him. No one is looking to hire Chizik nor should the barn be concerned about him leaving. So why the big contract and buyout - it has to be HUSH MONEY to keep him from telling all he knows. #+ Title: Re: Chizik's New Contract Allows Him to Be Paid During an NCAA Investigation Post by: Jamos on June 15, 2011, 03:33:00 PM That pile of bull manure down at the Barn is getting a lot bigger and smelling a lot worse. :think: