Title: Dallas Mavericks $110,000 Bar Tab "Worth Every Penny", Says Mark Cuban Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on June 16, 2011, 08:40:57 PM Dallas Mavericks $110,000 Bar Tab "Worth Every Penny", Says Mark Cuban
I have never heard of a bar tab that high. I know in the NFL, a team will go out to eat and leave the rookie the tab, like the Cowboys did their rookie ( Blackmon) ? last year. link (http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/164185/20110616/dallas-mavericks-mark-cuban-bar-champagne.htm) "After the Dallas Mavericks won their first ever NBA championship, owner Marc Cuban treated his team to a six-figure celebration. "The team rang up $110,000 at Club Liv in Miami's Fountainbleau Hotel, and $90,000 of the tab was from a single bottle of champagne: a Nebuchadnezzar of Armand de Brignac - a 15L bottle that is the equivalent of 20 regular sized bottles. Cuban also left a $20,000 tip for the wait staff after partying with the team until 5 a.m." A single bottle of champagne was $90,000. and Cuban left a $20,000 tip. 8) |