Title: Ex-MLB Commish: 'Cuban A Real Problem' Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on June 16, 2011, 09:00:33 PM Ex-MLB Commish: 'Cuban A Real Problem'
link (http://www.turnto23.com/sports/28261254/detail.html) "I think it's more important for owners to be gentlemen, play by the rules, respect the authorities, do what's good for the sport, than it is to manage his franchise to total success. The subtleties make the difference," Vincent said "(Former New York Yankees owner) George Steinbrenner was a real problem in baseball, and I think Mark Cuban is a real problem in basketball." I don't care what Vincent thinks. I question someone like Faye Vincent speaking out in public critizing Cuban. Vincent was never a NBA basketball commissioner. Must be jealous of Cuban's billions. I know I am. Cuban has been fined approximately $1.7 million by NBA commissioner David Stern for a variety of infractions/transgressions 8) Title: Re: Ex-MLB Commish: 'Cuban A Real Problem' Post by: Marshal Dillon on June 17, 2011, 10:10:18 AM Ex-MLB Commish: 'Cuban A Real Problem' link (http://www.turnto23.com/sports/28261254/detail.html) "I think it's more important for owners to be gentlemen, play by the rules, respect the authorities, do what's good for the sport, than it is to manage his franchise to total success. The subtleties make the difference," Vincent said "(Former New York Yankees owner) George Steinbrenner was a real problem in baseball, and I think Mark Cuban is a real problem in basketball." I don't care what Vincent thinks. I question someone like Faye Vincent speaking out in public critizing Cuban. Vincent was never a NBA basketball commissioner. Must be jealous of Cuban's billions. I know I am. Cuban has been fined approximately $1.7 million by NBA commissioner David Stern for a variety of infractions/transgressions 8) So, he prefers owners like the folks who own the Pirates and have had 17 consecutive losing seasons than a guy like Steinbrenner who brought the Yankees back from the dead. What an idiot! Yeah, Cuban's a loud-mouthed jerk, but he'll spend the money to make a sports franchise successful. I'm not a fan of Cuban, but he would add some life and color to baseball, that's for sure. :hand3: Title: Re: Ex-MLB Commish: 'Cuban A Real Problem' Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on June 17, 2011, 12:33:41 PM I don't know Mark Cuban. I did hear Charles Barkley say on the radio after April's tornados, that Mark Cuban called him and was interested in helping out with fund raising and donating money for storm relief.
My point was why did Faye Vincent think it necessary to critize Cuban right after the Finals. Many owners of professional franchisies are easy targets because of the money they spend and lifestyles they live, and also making headlines in the sporting news. They also provide many, many jobs to people. Also many of them donate lots of time and money to charity. 8) Title: Re: Ex-MLB Commish: 'Cuban A Real Problem' Post by: Marshal Dillon on June 17, 2011, 12:38:22 PM Good point about the criticism right after winning a title, very petty. Plus, Fay Vincent was basically fired as commissioner, so he needs to look at his own shortcomings first. Criticizing Steinbrenner for bringing the Yankees 5 World Series titles, what a stupid jerk Vincent is.
Title: Re: Ex-MLB Commish: 'Cuban A Real Problem' Post by: rueben on June 18, 2011, 10:41:20 AM So, Faye likes "yes men." I bet he prolly likes little boys too.
I like Cuban and would love to go have a few drinks out on the town with the man. I think Cuban believes, "What's legal ain't always right, and what's right ain't always legal." Title: Re: Ex-MLB Commish: 'Cuban A Real Problem' Post by: cbbama99 on June 18, 2011, 12:56:46 PM I'm not the biggest Cuban supporter in the world, but I do think that if I were a Mavs fan or player I would love him. He is an owner who truly cares for his team, does what he can to put a championship team on the court, and is the biggest fan of the team. How many owners do see on the sidelines cheering along with the crowd and the team? I think Vincent is vainly trying to remain relevant in the sports world.