Title: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: BAMAWV on June 18, 2011, 08:49:55 AM No link yet, but it is now a ticketable offense to park your pickup on the street after 7PM in Coral Gables, Florida. Further, if you park your truck in your own driveway, or a pickup driving friend comes to visit, after 7PM, you/he can be ticketed.
Someone on the Coral Gables City Council has decided that a rusted-out Pinto or a low rider is asthetically more eye appealling than a brand new $40K Silverado. It is time to quit being nice/polite to these people. JMO >:( >:( >:( >:( http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/florida/mh-gables-pickup-truck-ban-20110615,0,7836721.story Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: BAMAWV on June 18, 2011, 09:26:57 AM >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: 2Stater on June 18, 2011, 09:31:55 AM Talk about Hoyty Toyty land. >:( #-
Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: cbbama99 on June 18, 2011, 10:41:46 AM That is one of the most absurd ordinances I have ever heard of.
Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: rueben on June 18, 2011, 11:11:39 AM I have a friend who lives near Boca raton, Fl. They have a word for people who live in Boca, " Boca Beeches." He loves to screw with them on the free way. He drives a pickup, >90% of them drive a BMW, or something just as pretentious. If he sees one hell ride in the lane to the left of them just behind them. When they get ready to pass a car, he'll give them just enough space to tempt them them to come over in his lane, but not quite enough to squeeze in. Then he just rides there, laughing. Don't worry...they deserve it.
Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: cbbama99 on June 18, 2011, 01:02:22 PM I have a friend who lives near Boca raton, Fl. They have a word for people who live in Boca, " Boca Beeches." He loves to screw with them on the free way. He drives a pickup, >90% of them drive a BMW, or something just as pretentious. If he sees one hell ride in the lane to the left of them just behind them. When they get ready to pass a car, he'll give them just enough space to tempt them them to come over in his lane, but not quite enough to squeeze in. Then he just rides there, laughing. Don't worry...they deserve it. I don't even know your friend, but I like him already. Next time you see him, buy him a beer for me. Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: rueben on June 18, 2011, 01:22:25 PM Yeah, he's usually a laid back kinda dude, but he got tired of them cutting him off, daily, on the free way, with their cell in one hand, and (for women, and some men) makeup in the other. One morning he saw a car that cut him off the morning before, so he started blocking her. He said it was so much fun, it's almost like a hobby now.
Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: pmull on June 19, 2011, 05:09:24 PM Stupid law. Real men drive trucks. >:(
Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: BAMAWV on June 20, 2011, 04:09:37 AM Stupid law. Real men drive trucks. >:( I think I'd be looking up the home addresses of the councilmen that voted for this. >:(Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: ssmith general on June 20, 2011, 04:24:37 AM I dont really understand the purpose of this? But further, I wonder if it includes the el camino.
Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: BAMAWV on June 20, 2011, 04:30:44 AM I dont really understand the purpose of this? But further, I wonder if it includes the el camino. The woman wondered about her Avalanche. IDK. Psycho eliteism.Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: ssmith general on June 20, 2011, 04:36:23 AM I dont really understand the purpose of this? But further, I wonder if it includes the el camino. The woman wondered about her Avalanche. IDK. Psycho eliteism.If that's what they want, why not? At least we know where they are. Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: BAMAWV on June 20, 2011, 04:41:42 AM I dont really understand the purpose of this? But further, I wonder if it includes the el camino. The woman wondered about her Avalanche. IDK. Psycho eliteism.If that's what they want, why not? At least we know where they are. Title: Re: Coral Gables, Florida Has Anti- Pickup Truck Ordinance. Post by: ssmith general on June 20, 2011, 04:46:18 AM I dont really understand the purpose of this? But further, I wonder if it includes the el camino. The woman wondered about her Avalanche. IDK. Psycho eliteism.If that's what they want, why not? At least we know where they are. I'm sure it's a different rate. |