Title: "Seven ways Lane Kiffin will change the Alabama offense in 2014" Post by: WALL-E on April 28, 2014, 04:45:04 AM Seven ways Lane Kiffin will change the Alabama offense in 2014
Title: Re: "Seven ways Lane Kiffin will change the Alabama offense in 2014" Post by: Chechem on April 28, 2014, 05:42:34 AM Quote "Coach Kiffin likes a lot of motions, kind of wants us to get up to the ball — not an Oregon type of offense — but if you look last year, we're snapping the ball with six, five, four seconds left on the shot clock," center Ryan Kelly said after the A-Day Game. "Not so much of the no-huddle, but something to get our procedures up running and we can get communication better ... to make the offense more effective." ... Find the playmakers, use a fullback, throw to the TEs, more motion, etc. Plus "simplify the offense". Huh? ??? Title: Re: "Seven ways Lane Kiffin will change the Alabama offense in 2014" Post by: Jamos on April 28, 2014, 05:59:46 AM Quote "Coach Kiffin likes a lot of motions, kind of wants us to get up to the ball — not an Oregon type of offense — but if you look last year, we're snapping the ball with six, five, four seconds left on the shot clock," center Ryan Kelly said after the A-Day Game. "Not so much of the no-huddle, but something to get our procedures up running and we can get communication better ... to make the offense more effective." ... Find the playmakers, use a fullback, throw to the TEs, more motion, etc. Plus "simplify the offense". Huh? ??? I agree with you. :lol: Title: Re: "Seven ways Lane Kiffin will change the Alabama offense in 2014" Post by: ricky023 on April 29, 2014, 03:30:49 PM I have a desire to really see CLK in action in games. If we could average 50 points a game it would be great. I do however like the fact that we win if we have ONE point more than the other team. RTR!