Title: Spurrier being Spurrier Post by: N.AL-Tider on April 29, 2014, 05:06:20 AM He has the solution to LSU's gripe about cross-divisional rivalries...
Click here for link. (http://msn.foxsports.com/college-football/story/steve-spurrier-if-college-football-fair-alabama-sit-out-year-of-recruiting-042814) Quote "If it was fair, Alabama would have to sit out a year of recruiting. They've had the No. 1 class five out of six years. That's like giving an NFL team the first five picks in the first and second round every year -- almost." Title: Re: Spurrier being Spurrier Post by: roll tide roll on April 29, 2014, 09:40:47 AM And Miles.
"We play the toughest schedule in America in our conference, and then we have the bias of the permanent partner," Miles told The Advocate. "We're now also being mandated to take a BCS team." As do all SEC teams. "The bias of the schedule continues to be disproportionate." How is having a rule equally applied to all participants a bias? Oh, Less Miles. "Fundamentally fair is not something they've given great thought to." Confirms undeniably that he is a wingnut. Cry me a river, Less. Perhaps he should change conferences like urban decay. Personally, I wish they would adopt a 10 game (8 SEC and 2 BCS OCC) regular season schedule, conference championship game, and then a Sweet 16 playoff for the crystal football. Drop all of the cream puffs. Sorry, it sucks to be a small school in a small conference. The champion would end up playing 15 games, but the decrease in the number of regular season games, and those slots being allocated as off-weeks in the playoff would offset the physical, and academic, burden of the increased total number of games. Title: Re: Spurrier being Spurrier Post by: ricky023 on April 29, 2014, 11:10:16 AM And Miles. Personally, I wish they would adopt a 10 game (8 SEC and 2 BCS OCC) regular The champion would end up playing 15 games, but the decrease in the number of regular season games, and those slots being allocated as off-weeks in the playoff would offset the physical, and academic, burden of the increased total number of games. #+, hey rtr, I have to agree with you. The playoffs like you purpose would be greater teams and boocoo money for the schools. RTR! Title: Re: Spurrier being Spurrier Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on April 29, 2014, 11:16:11 AM Sounds like Spurrier was just saying "Life ain't fair."
Title: Re: Spurrier being Spurrier Post by: cbbama99 on April 29, 2014, 05:45:38 PM I wonder how the animal kingdom feels about the Who's sad situation:
(http://media.tumblr.com/faf838594a6f9bdb6b2f9e00b3fc2a0c/tumblr_inline_mrqh76Q4mv1qz4rgp.jpg) |