Title: "Richard Todd, last Alabama QB selected in first round, believes AJ could end 38-year drought" Post by: WALL-E on May 01, 2014, 09:50:03 PM Richard Todd, last Alabama QB selected in first round, believes AJ could end 38-year drought
Title: Re: "Richard Todd, last Alabama QB selected in first round, believes AJ could end 38-year drought" Post by: Chechem on May 02, 2014, 05:08:29 AM OMG, look at Richard. He was a kid when I saw him last. I used to meet him at his girlfriend's apartment for tutoring during his senior year. Time flies!
RT: "I was kind of thrown to the wolves when I was drafted. I thought I'd back up Joe (Namath) for two or three years and it took about two or three games and I was kind of thrown into it. We threw the ball about six times a game my senior year (at Alabama playing in the wishbone offense), so it was totally different.'' No way AJ goes in round 1. But it's nice to have Richard support him. :popcorn2: Title: Re: "Richard Todd, last Alabama QB selected in first round, believes AJ could end 38-year drought" Post by: 2Stater on May 02, 2014, 06:40:15 AM OMG, look at Richard. He was a kid when I saw him last. I used to meet him at his girlfriend's apartment for tutoring during his senior year. Time flies! RT: "I was kind of thrown to the wolves when I was drafted. I thought I'd back up Joe (Namath) for two or three years and it took about two or three games and I was kind of thrown into it. We threw the ball about six times a game my senior year (at Alabama playing in the wishbone offense), so it was totally different.'' No way AJ goes in round 1. But it's nice to have Richard support him. :popcorn2: FWIW, you look younger than him. :lol2: I agree. I think AJ goes, at best, 2nd rd, more likely 3rd. Title: Re: "Richard Todd, last Alabama QB selected in first round, believes AJ could end 38-year drought" Post by: Chechem on May 02, 2014, 06:45:52 AM OMG, look at Richard. He was a kid when I saw him last. I used to meet him at his girlfriend's apartment for tutoring during his senior year. Time flies! RT: "I was kind of thrown to the wolves when I was drafted. I thought I'd back up Joe (Namath) for two or three years and it took about two or three games and I was kind of thrown into it. We threw the ball about six times a game my senior year (at Alabama playing in the wishbone offense), so it was totally different.'' No way AJ goes in round 1. But it's nice to have Richard support him. :popcorn2: FWIW, you look younger than him. :lol2: I agree. I think AJ goes, at best, 2nd rd, more likely 3rd. I'll give you an e-cred for the compliment! |