Title: Q&A: Alabama AD Bill Battle discusses his first year, Lane Kiffin and more Post by: pmull on May 05, 2014, 03:49:34 PM This is a good Q&A article by Joe Medley of The Anniston Star. It is long but covers a lot of topics like Saban's contract extension, Coach Antony Grant, new baseball stadium and much more.
Quote This week, Battle sat down with the Anniston Star to discuss a wide range of topics including the strength of the athletic department, his thoughts on the hiring of offensive coordinator Lane Kiffin, whether he seriously considered not bringing men’s basketball coach Anthony Grant back and more. Question: How was your first year on the job, and do you feel like you accomplished everything you had on your agenda coming in? Answer: It’s definitely been an adventure. My goal was to spend six months and try to learn what the business of the athletic department was, who all the players were and how to get in and out from my house to my office and other places in the athletic department I needed to go. I’m still figuring some of that out, but I have most of it figured out. I wanted to carry on the business of the athletic department because it’s been running very smoothly over the past few years. So I was not surprised to learn that our staff is really good. We have good coaches, we have a good staff and everybody knows what they’re doing so from that perspective, it’s been very positive and very pleasant. http://annistonstar.com/view/full_story/25027963/article-Q-A--Alabama-athletics-director-Bill-Battle-discusses-his-first-year-on-job--Lane-Kiffin--Anthony-Grant-and-more?instance=sports_main_alabama#ixzz30kAnMoZH Title: Re: Q&A: Alabama AD Bill Battle discusses his first year, Lane Kiffin and more Post by: ricky023 on May 05, 2014, 04:31:28 PM Man that was a great interview. It sounds to me that Coach Battle is ready to push on forward. I to agree with him, I think CLK will be good for our offence in football. The trophies that USCw won with the other coach before he went PRO was excellent. I see CLK taking our offence to a higher level of play. JMHO. RTR!