Title: Ten Players Fail Drug Test at NFL Combine-Check Out the Team with the Most Post by: Marshal Dillon on May 05, 2014, 08:12:09 PM Well, now I know they are running an outlaw program south of here. Read link for the answer.
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Quote The top prospect on the list was Florida State defensive tackle Timmy Jernigan, who is projected as a mid first-round selection. Jernigan tested positive for a diluted urine sample, FOX Sports has learned. Another big name was Louisiana State quarterback Zach Mettenberger. ProFootballTalk.com first reported that Mettenberger tested positive for having a diluted urine sample, which would count as a failed test under the NFL'€™s drug program. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/glazer-mettenberger-jernigan-failed-drug-tests-at-combine-050514 Title: Re: Ten Players Fail Drug Test at NFL Combine-Check Out the Team with the Most Post by: ricky023 on May 05, 2014, 10:08:09 PM Wow no wonder they are supposed to be so good. They can not feel anything they are drugged up. This is so sad. RTR!
Title: Re: Ten Players Fail Drug Test at NFL Combine-Check Out the Team with the Most Post by: Catch Prothro on May 05, 2014, 10:55:50 PM Quote The issue is decision making. Players are coached up on every aspect of the combine, from how to run the 40 to how to answer every team's goofy questions. And one of the most basic things about the combine is that you're going to take a drug test. The combine is basically the most important job interview of these players' lives. It's an understatement to say it's a poor decision to do anything in the weeks leading up to the combine that would lead to a positive test. If you can't be trusted to handle something that basic, how are you going to deal with the NFL life? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/report--more-than-10-players-failed-drug-tests-at-scouting-combine-000601692.htmlMettenberger and Jernigan were the biggest names among those in the Fox report. .. Fox didn't have a complete list, but said LSU defensive tackle Anthony Johnson, [Miami OT] Henderson [positive for mj], and Florida State linebackers Telvin Smith and Christian Jones also failed drug tests. Mettenberger's agents told Fox Sports he had a diluted sample, which is considered a failed test by the NFL. His agents told Fox that Mettenberger was drinking extra water at the advice of his doctors after cramping during his rehabilitation for a torn ACL. That should be easy for Mettenberger to prove, but it's something teams will wonder about. Title: Re: Ten Players Fail Drug Test at NFL Combine-Check Out the Team with the Most Post by: Chechem on May 06, 2014, 05:38:45 AM Quote ... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/report--more-than-10-players-failed-drug-tests-at-scouting-combine-000601692.htmlMettenberger's agents told Fox Sports he had a diluted sample, which is considered a failed test by the NFL. His agents told Fox that Mettenberger was drinking extra water at the advice of his doctors after cramping during his rehabilitation for a torn ACL. That should be easy for Mettenberger to prove, but it's something teams will wonder about. http://masscops.com/threads/man-eats-underwear-to-beat-breathalyzer.8652/ Title: Re: Ten Players Fail Drug Test at NFL Combine-Check Out the Team with the Most Post by: Jamos on May 06, 2014, 06:04:37 AM Quote ... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/report--more-than-10-players-failed-drug-tests-at-scouting-combine-000601692.htmlMettenberger's agents told Fox Sports he had a diluted sample, which is considered a failed test by the NFL. His agents told Fox that Mettenberger was drinking extra water at the advice of his doctors after cramping during his rehabilitation for a torn ACL. That should be easy for Mettenberger to prove, but it's something teams will wonder about. http://masscops.com/threads/man-eats-underwear-to-beat-breathalyzer.8652/ :lol: Title: Re: Ten Players Fail Drug Test at NFL Combine-Check Out the Team with the Most Post by: 2Stater on May 06, 2014, 06:09:39 AM Quote ... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/report--more-than-10-players-failed-drug-tests-at-scouting-combine-000601692.htmlMettenberger's agents told Fox Sports he had a diluted sample, which is considered a failed test by the NFL. His agents told Fox that Mettenberger was drinking extra water at the advice of his doctors after cramping during his rehabilitation for a torn ACL. That should be easy for Mettenberger to prove, but it's something teams will wonder about. http://masscops.com/threads/man-eats-underwear-to-beat-breathalyzer.8652/ Now that's drunk! :lol: Title: Re: Ten Players Fail Drug Test at NFL Combine-Check Out the Team with the Most Post by: Catch Prothro on May 06, 2014, 07:26:48 AM Quote ... http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/report--more-than-10-players-failed-drug-tests-at-scouting-combine-000601692.htmlMettenberger's agents told Fox Sports he had a diluted sample, which is considered a failed test by the NFL. His agents told Fox that Mettenberger was drinking extra water at the advice of his doctors after cramping during his rehabilitation for a torn ACL. That should be easy for Mettenberger to prove, but it's something teams will wonder about. http://masscops.com/threads/man-eats-underwear-to-beat-breathalyzer.8652/ Funny story. Imagine bringing a HS class to court that day. But maybe he was right.... he beat the rap! Quote David Zurfluh was subsequently acquitted of a charge of impaired driving because he blew .08, the legal limit. |