Title: Derek Kief Video Post by: pmull on May 26, 2014, 07:48:09 AM A long but very good video on incoming freshman receiver Derek Kief. I recommend you watch at least a few minutes of the video. If you are like me you will not stop watching until it is over. Kief is an incredible talent from an amazing family.
http://vimeo.com/96274308 Title: Re: Derek Kief Video Post by: bama57 on May 26, 2014, 08:32:40 AM There is no way anyone can just watch a few minutes of that video! WOW! Who was the QB doing the passing? #+
Title: Re: Derek Kief Video Post by: td57 on May 28, 2014, 09:50:04 PM WOW
Just.........WOW I am excited about this young man being a part of this team! Title: Re: Derek Kief Video Post by: Catch Prothro on May 28, 2014, 10:13:58 PM Favorite part, his brother, who plays at The Ohio State University, says, "I wanted him to come here, but that would be selfish, when he has a chance to play at the University of Alabama. Everyone knows Alabama is the best University in the nation."
Title: Re: Derek Kief Video Post by: Jamos on May 29, 2014, 08:05:26 AM This young man is very talented and I can see a very bright future ahead for him. Thanks for sharing the video. :clap: