Title: James Franklin ruffles a few feathers Post by: Catch Prothro on May 30, 2014, 06:23:03 AM SEC rules forbid schools from participating in camps beyond 50 miles from campus, but NCAA rules and other conferences allow it as long as the school isn't "hosting" the event.
So Penn State is participating in a camp at Georgia State, sort of as a co-host or secondary host. Fertile recruiting ground in Georgia, and Franklin is the first of what may be many Big10 coaches coming into the Southeast. Of course SEC schools aren't happy about it, although Saban hasn't weighed in. I think instead of complaining, the SEC should change their rules to allow it like other conferences. Saban probably would love the idea of going into Ohio, Texas, Florida, California, etc. http://espn.go.com/blog/bigten/post/_/id/101566/secs-hilarious-attempt-to-stop-franklin |