Title: The Badwater Ultra Marathon Post by: rueben on June 22, 2011, 07:45:30 AM 135 Miles,
120*F temps, 13,000 feet of elevation gain Starting at the lowest point in the United States, Badwater California, and finishing at the Portals of Mount Whitney. 24-48 hours of pure hell. It gets so hot, the runners must run on the white stripe on the side of the road, to keep the souls of their shoes form melting. True badassedness (http://ozymandiaswarning.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/badwater.jpg?w=300) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbwyEVb3hSo Title: Re: The Badwater Ultra Marathon Post by: Jamos on June 22, 2011, 09:05:43 AM There's nothing healthy about this, all about ego. ???
Title: Re: The Badwater Ultra Marathon Post by: rueben on June 22, 2011, 09:44:27 AM The training leading up to the event, is where the health benefits come form. The nutrition regiment, etc. Being in shape to be able to to this is where the health comes in. Doing the race itself, yeah, it's proving something. Most don't do it to prove to others, only to themselves. How far can they push themselves....the human body. If you google and research people like David Goggins, and Scott Jurek, you'll see that they are probably the most healthy and "in shape" people in the world. Dean Karanzes too. But he is an ego-maniac also..."look at me...!!!"
If you wanna read an awesome book...read " Born To Run." You'll see that running ultra marathon distances was actually the rule instead of the extreme exception that it is today, and still is in some cultures, as nearby as Mexico. Humans are designed to run, (long distances) more efficiently than most any other animal, including horses, deer, and large cats. |