Title: TideSports: Ranking the Tide Post by: pmull on June 23, 2011, 08:00:31 AM Tidesports has ranked all the Bama sports against each other. Do you agee with the rankings, what would you change and why, etc.
Quote All the results are in, all the contests played. What better time to rank the University of Alabama's athletic programs to see how they stack up against each other? http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1233920 Title: Re: TideSports: Ranking the Tide Post by: Jamos on June 23, 2011, 09:18:01 AM I'm not much on rankings internally because of the big differences in the sports themselves. Football, men's basketball, and baseball is by far the fan favorites in most schools, especially in the South, and the other sports are like a pacifier in the off seasons of the major sports. Gymnastics is the exception of this at Bama with softball coming on strong. Women's basketball has struggled for the past years but now seem to be growing their program again.
But I do like to measure the success of each as to how well they compare to the other schools on a nationally basis. I think Bama has done well with their second tier sports and are making a move to make some of these sports more of a first tier due to their success nationally in the past couple of years. Football, men's basketball, gymnastics, softball, and men baseball all have a chance to earn money to support their teams whare the other sports have very little or no fans bases at all. This is the difference in how much support the University will give each program and that makes a lot of difference in the success of each. Title: Re: TideSports: Ranking the Tide Post by: ricky023 on June 23, 2011, 10:34:33 AM I think Football should be #1 and BB #2 then I have no other thought really. RTR!