Title: Notre Dame: Everett Golson burns to bury Alabama blowout Post by: roll tide roll on August 15, 2014, 11:22:34 AM http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/notre-dame-fighting-irish-everett-golson-starting-qb-cfb-playoff-081414 (http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/notre-dame-fighting-irish-everett-golson-starting-qb-cfb-playoff-081414)
By now, it might seem like Alabama 42, Notre Dame 14 took place in some distant time period. For Golson, the memory is fresh in his mind. “I didn’t necessarily like the way I went out,” said the Irish’s junior quarterback. “Everyone said, oh, they had a 12-0 season, but I still refer back to us losing to Alabama. It’s definitely a chip on my shoulder. It adds a little fire to the flame being that the last time I was on the field I was getting blown out.” Title: Re: Notre Dame: Everett Golson burns to bury Alabama blowout Post by: ALTideUp on August 15, 2014, 12:56:39 PM http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/notre-dame-fighting-irish-everett-golson-starting-qb-cfb-playoff-081414 (http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/notre-dame-fighting-irish-everett-golson-starting-qb-cfb-playoff-081414) By now, it might seem like Alabama 42, Notre Dame 14 took place in some distant time period. For Golson, the memory is fresh in his mind. “I didn’t necessarily like the way I went out,” said the Irish’s junior quarterback. “Everyone said, oh, they had a 12-0 season, but I still refer back to us losing to Alabama. It’s definitely a chip on my shoulder. It adds a little fire to the flame being that the last time I was on the field I was getting blown out.” Yes. Yes you were. Title: Re: Notre Dame: Everett Golson burns to bury Alabama blowout Post by: ricky023 on August 15, 2014, 01:33:42 PM Yes I agree but you got blown out by a better class of young men. JMHO. RTR!
Title: Re: Notre Dame: Everett Golson burns to bury Alabama blowout Post by: Jamos on August 16, 2014, 05:51:02 AM http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/notre-dame-fighting-irish-everett-golson-starting-qb-cfb-playoff-081414 (http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/notre-dame-fighting-irish-everett-golson-starting-qb-cfb-playoff-081414) By now, it might seem like Alabama 42, Notre Dame 14 took place in some distant time period. For Golson, the memory is fresh in his mind. “I didn’t necessarily like the way I went out,” said the Irish’s junior quarterback. “Everyone said, oh, they had a 12-0 season, but I still refer back to us losing to Alabama. It’s definitely a chip on my shoulder. It adds a little fire to the flame being that the last time I was on the field I was getting blown out.” He needs to be careful of what he wishes for, a double dose of a good "butt whipping" isn't always a lot of fun. ;) Title: Re: Notre Dame: Everett Golson burns to bury Alabama blowout Post by: Peewee from Grand Bay on August 16, 2014, 10:17:44 AM http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/notre-dame-fighting-irish-everett-golson-starting-qb-cfb-playoff-081414 (http://www.foxsports.com/college-football/story/notre-dame-fighting-irish-everett-golson-starting-qb-cfb-playoff-081414) By now, it might seem like Alabama 42, Notre Dame 14 took place in some distant time period. For Golson, the memory is fresh in his mind. “I didn’t necessarily like the way I went out,” said the Irish’s junior quarterback. “Everyone said, oh, they had a 12-0 season, but I still refer back to us losing to Alabama. It’s definitely a chip on my shoulder. It adds a little fire to the flame being that the last time I was on the field I was getting blown out.” He needs to be careful of what he wishes for, a double dose of a good "butt whipping" isn't always a lot of fun. ;) :lol: |