Title: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Marshal Dillon on June 29, 2011, 09:38:41 PM I'm not surprised. He was a very good businessman and was worth like $200-$250 mil when he was murdered.
http://www.torontosun.com/2011/06/28/lennon-was-a-closet-republican-assistant Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: BAMAWV on June 29, 2011, 10:09:11 PM I'll have to think about the 'where and why' but I just heard this in the last couple of days. I watch "Morning Joe" on MSNBC and Bill Maher on HBO to keep an eye on the enemy. Seems I remember it coming up on Morning Joe since I kinda/sorta remember that disgusted smirk on Mika Brezinski's face. BTW, I am opposed to hitting women, but will give all my e-creds to anyone willing to slap that smirk off her face. TIA
Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Marshal Dillon on June 30, 2011, 08:16:41 AM The most despicable thing in the mind of a liberal is an ex-liberal who has woken up and started thinking and become a conservative.
:) Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: cbbama99 on June 30, 2011, 09:18:58 AM The most despicable thing in the mind of a liberal is an ex-liberal who has woken up and started thinking and become a conservative. :) #+ Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Old Tider on June 30, 2011, 09:31:13 AM The most despicable thing in the mind of a liberal is an ex-liberal who has woken up and started thinking and become a conservative. :) Has this turned political? (http://nutrias.org/photos/recent/recent10.jpg) Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Marshal Dillon on June 30, 2011, 10:34:40 AM The most despicable thing in the mind of a liberal is an ex-liberal who has woken up and started thinking and become a conservative. :) Has this turned political? (http://nutrias.org/photos/recent/recent10.jpg) Nope, just stating facts. 8) Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: cbbama99 on June 30, 2011, 11:54:18 AM The most despicable thing in the mind of a liberal is an ex-liberal who has woken up and started thinking and become a conservative. :) Has this turned political? (http://nutrias.org/photos/recent/recent10.jpg) Love that you pulled out the Huey Long photo, OT. Did a major paper on him in grad school. Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Old Tider on June 30, 2011, 12:33:23 PM The most despicable thing in the mind of a liberal is an ex-liberal who has woken up and started thinking and become a conservative. :) Has this turned political? (http://nutrias.org/photos/recent/recent10.jpg) Love that you pulled out the Huey Long photo, OT. Did a major paper on him in grad school. A hard choice, C.B. He beats Big Jim by a whisker, but Huey always takes the cake. Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: BAMAWV on June 30, 2011, 01:28:14 PM The most despicable thing in the mind of a liberal is an ex-liberal who has woken up and started thinking and become a conservative. :) Has this turned political? (http://nutrias.org/photos/recent/recent10.jpg) Love that you pulled out the Huey Long photo, OT. Did a major paper on him in grad school. A hard choice, C.B. He beats Big Jim by a whisker, but Huey always takes the cake. Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: 2Stater on June 30, 2011, 01:40:20 PM The most despicable thing in the mind of a liberal is an ex-liberal who has woken up and started thinking and become a conservative. :) Has this turned political? (http://nutrias.org/photos/recent/recent10.jpg) Love that you pulled out the Huey Long photo, OT. Did a major paper on him in grad school. A hard choice, C.B. He beats Big Jim by a whisker, but Huey always takes the cake. One Louisiana politician is pretty much like another. Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Old Tider on June 30, 2011, 02:14:47 PM Hey, I forgot "Uncle Earl" Long, the governor who had the open "relationship" with the New Orleans stripper Blaze Star.
(http://media.nola.com/politics/photo/9085917-large.jpg) Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: BAMAWV on June 30, 2011, 02:26:34 PM Quote We do not propose to say that there shall be no rich men. We do not ask to divide the wealth. We only propose that, when one man gets more than he and his children and children's children can spend or use in their lifetimes, that then we shall say that such person has his share. That means that a few million dollars is the limit to what any one man can own." Communist much?Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Marshal Dillon on June 30, 2011, 07:49:30 PM Quote We do not propose to say that there shall be no rich men. We do not ask to divide the wealth. We only propose that, when one man gets more than he and his children and children's children can spend or use in their lifetimes, that then we shall say that such person has his share. That means that a few million dollars is the limit to what any one man can own." Communist much?BINGO!! Exactly. Socialism all the way, just like Obama. Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: BAMAWV on July 01, 2011, 04:40:55 AM The kids that go "Trick or Treat" have to give half their candy to the kids that stayed home and watched TV. >:(
Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: cbbama99 on July 01, 2011, 03:13:00 PM Quote We do not propose to say that there shall be no rich men. We do not ask to divide the wealth. We only propose that, when one man gets more than he and his children and children's children can spend or use in their lifetimes, that then we shall say that such person has his share. That means that a few million dollars is the limit to what any one man can own." Communist much?Gotta love Share Our Wealth. >:( Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Old Tider on July 01, 2011, 05:18:36 PM This is a political thread or I'm a monkey's uncle.
(http://doggerelface.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/240px-bedtime_for_bonzo1.jpg) Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: pmull on July 01, 2011, 05:41:46 PM The kids that go "Trick or Treat" have to give half their candy to the kids that stayed home and watched TV. >:( #+ Excellant point on a kids level. Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: BAMAWV on July 01, 2011, 05:55:39 PM The kids that go "Trick or Treat" have to give half their candy to the kids that stayed home and watched TV. >:( #+ Excellant point on a kids level. Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: pmull on July 01, 2011, 05:58:17 PM The kids that go "Trick or Treat" have to give half their candy to the kids that stayed home and watched TV. >:( #+ Excellant point on a kids level. Let me re-phase, I liked it on a kids and adult level. Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: BAMAWV on July 01, 2011, 06:38:44 PM The Beatles might have gotten big if they'd have stayed together. :-\
Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: cbbama99 on July 01, 2011, 06:46:04 PM True story. A professor of mine at UA told us that he had a student ask him one year what the name of the band Paul McCartney was in BEFORE JOINING WINGS. I swear I am not kidding.
Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: pmull on July 01, 2011, 06:48:56 PM True story. A professor of mine at UA told us that he had a student ask him one year what the name of the band Paul McCartney was in BEFORE JOINING WINGS. I swear I am not kidding. Paul who? Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 01, 2011, 08:01:23 PM This is a political thread or I'm a monkey's uncle. (http://doggerelface.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/240px-bedtime_for_bonzo1.jpg) We don't do politics on this thread! (http://www.t-shirt-01.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/obama-socialism-joker.jpg) Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: BAMAWV on July 02, 2011, 04:15:28 AM This is a political thread or I'm a monkey's uncle. (http://doggerelface.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/240px-bedtime_for_bonzo1.jpg) We don't do politics on this thread! (http://www.t-shirt-01.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/obama-socialism-joker.jpg) Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on July 05, 2011, 04:01:41 PM I'll have to think about the 'where and why' but I just heard this in the last couple of days. I watch "Morning Joe" on MSNBC and Bill Maher on HBO to keep an eye on the enemy. Seems I remember it coming up on Morning Joe since I kinda/sorta remember that disgusted smirk on Mika Brezinski's face. BTW, I am opposed to hitting women, but will give all my e-creds to anyone willing to slap that smirk off her face. TIA You must torture yourself to watch Bill Maher. 8) Title: Re: John Lennon Admired Ronald Reagan Post by: Old Tider on July 06, 2011, 10:02:24 AM I'll have to think about the 'where and why' but I just heard this in the last couple of days. I watch "Morning Joe" on MSNBC and Bill Maher on HBO to keep an eye on the enemy. Seems I remember it coming up on Morning Joe since I kinda/sorta remember that disgusted smirk on Mika Brezinski's face. BTW, I am opposed to hitting women, but will give all my e-creds to anyone willing to slap that smirk off her face. TIA You must torture yourself to watch Bill Maher. 8) Did someone mention smirking? (http://thumbnails.truveo.com/0021/30/E8/30E80D134BD5B5ED67A675_Large.jpg) |