Title: "Alabama defense's quest to 'restate order' starts against uptempo West Virginia" Post by: WALL-E on August 29, 2014, 07:37:01 PM Alabama defense's quest to 'restate order' starts against uptempo West Virginia
Title: Re: "Alabama defense's quest to 'restate order' starts against uptempo West Virginia" Post by: Chechem on August 30, 2014, 05:17:47 AM Quote "They feel like that's the way to beat us is to throw the uptempo stuff at us," senior safety Nick Perry said. "We also have to work on our weaknesses, and I feel like we've been focusing on things we need to improve. That's one area we have improved on and we'll show this year. "You get sick of hearing everything. It's that and some other stuff, but we just kind of want to prove that 'Bama's back on top. We want to restate order and get back on top of the SEC." ... Alabama's defensive line is leaner and deeper. The Crimson Tide's top defensive ends -- Jonathan Allen, D.J. Pettway and Dalvin Tomlinson -- carry less weight and more speed than their predecessors. They've also been cross-trained to play multiple positions, a skill that comes most in handy when substitutions are limited by the offense's uptempo pace... Time to stop the 'end-of-era' talk. Roll Tide. >:( |