Title: Coker can thank D for his ride on the bench Post by: ALTideUp on August 31, 2014, 07:17:04 AM Listened to the whole game yesterday. Through the eyes of the commentators, it seems that Sims did his most important work by calming the team down after a frightening opening barrage by the WV O. He kept drives alive, which kept their O on the bench and allowed our D to rest. The D never really did get WV under control. We literally could not afford to waste a single series on Coker getting his bearings. If that happened we'd bave lost. It sounded like Sims did a terrific job winning a game we could have easily lost. I am eager to see Coker get his turn Saturday, but from a psychological point of view, Sims seems to have garnered even more confidence from the players around him.