Title: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: rueben on July 02, 2011, 02:09:16 PM Rcvd this tweet earlier...TIFWIW...
BillBankGreene Bill Greene retweeted by: AndrewJBone One of the Big Three in Florida is next in the cross hairs of the NCAA. The info is right there. Just need one on the record. :o Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 02, 2011, 02:54:08 PM I'm going to guess UF since Urban Meyer was known to be loosey goosey with the rules.
Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: Jamos on July 02, 2011, 03:15:32 PM My first guess would be that it is Miami, they have had problems down there for quite some time.
Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: ricky023 on July 03, 2011, 04:00:24 PM I thought Miami has a coach now that will fix all that stuff. Coach Al Golden has morals I believe. RTR!
Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: ssmith general on July 03, 2011, 04:01:26 PM Very clever use of the letter "j"
Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: rueben on July 03, 2011, 04:51:17 PM Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: cbbama99 on July 03, 2011, 06:44:37 PM I thought Miami has a coach now that will fix all that stuff. Coach Al Golden has morals I believe. RTR! Could have happened under Randy Shannon's regime. Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: rueben on July 03, 2011, 07:39:48 PM Don't forget "Free Shoes University."
Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: ssmith general on July 03, 2011, 08:41:59 PM Mijami, like tejas kind of. I was joking. Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: Chechem on July 03, 2011, 09:04:04 PM Mijami, like tejas kind of. I was joking. Well, I thought it was funny (doobie or not). Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 03, 2011, 09:47:55 PM I thought Miami has a coach now that will fix all that stuff. Coach Al Golden has morals I believe. RTR! Could have happened under Randy Shannon's regime. Wouldn't that be hilarious, cheat, still lose, then the uiversity gets slammed and has nothing to show for it. Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: rueben on July 04, 2011, 08:04:07 AM Mijami, like tejas kind of. I was joking. Duh. Sorry, I was not having a good day yesterday. Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: ricky023 on July 04, 2011, 10:11:28 AM I thought Miami has a coach now that will fix all that stuff. Coach Al Golden has morals I believe. RTR! Could have happened under Randy Shannon's regime. Wouldn't that be hilarious, cheat, still lose, then the uiversity gets slammed and has nothing to show for it. I was just sitting here wondering, what has to happen to really deter all this cheating? I don't know an answer myself. RTR! Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 04, 2011, 12:29:01 PM I thought Miami has a coach now that will fix all that stuff. Coach Al Golden has morals I believe. RTR! Could have happened under Randy Shannon's regime. Wouldn't that be hilarious, cheat, still lose, then the uiversity gets slammed and has nothing to show for it. I was just sitting here wondering, what has to happen to really deter all this cheating? I don't know an answer myself. RTR! Bulldoze the university and publicly execute the administrators and coaches. It might serve as a deterrent. :o Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: Chechem on July 04, 2011, 12:29:28 PM I thought Miami has a coach now that will fix all that stuff. Coach Al Golden has morals I believe. RTR! Could have happened under Randy Shannon's regime. Wouldn't that be hilarious, cheat, still lose, then the uiversity gets slammed and has nothing to show for it. I was just sitting here wondering, what has to happen to really deter all this cheating? I don't know an answer myself. RTR! Simple; take away the money. If you put all of the TV money into scholarships instead, the problems would go away (as would most of the high-paid coaches). :D Title: Re: UF, FSU or Mijami Next in the NCAA Crosshairs???? Post by: ricky023 on July 04, 2011, 01:13:25 PM I thought Miami has a coach now that will fix all that stuff. Coach Al Golden has morals I believe. RTR! Could have happened under Randy Shannon's regime. Wouldn't that be hilarious, cheat, still lose, then the uiversity gets slammed and has nothing to show for it. I was just sitting here wondering, what has to happen to really deter all this cheating? I don't know an answer myself. RTR! Bulldoze the university and publicly execute the administrators and coaches. It might serve as a deterrent. :o You get my e-cred on that one. lol RTR! |