Title: "WVU coach Dana Holgorsen explains why it's difficult preparing for Alabama offense" Post by: WALL-E on September 02, 2014, 11:00:03 AM WVU coach Dana Holgorsen explains why it's difficult preparing for Alabama offense
Title: Re: "WVU coach Dana Holgorsen explains why it's difficult preparing for Alabama offense" Post by: Chechem on September 02, 2014, 12:22:40 PM Quote "There are not a ton of teams that are doing that Alabama is doing," Holgorsen said on the Big 12 teleconference Monday. "They've got a strange combination of being able to play very power football with big backs that are very talented and offensive linemen who are huge." ... "But one thing that I found out about all that is because everybody else is spread and no huddle, people really have a tough time defending what we do because nobody does it, all right, and it does allow us to be more physical and it does allow us to play more players," Saban said Saturday. Holgorsen agrees. "They are a little bit more physical and more pro-style — kind of slow-paced and grind it out, control the clock," Holgorsen said. "That's hard to duplicate. It's much like the spread stuff and the tempo stuff is hard to duplicate while being physical. Handing it to NFL backs and covering NFL receivers is pretty hard to prepare for as well." ... "They can play any way they want to," Holgorsen said. "When the coach gives them the resources to be able to play any way that they want to, I think that's coach Saban's preference to play the way that they do, and it's proven to win national championships." For years people on the forums have called for us to run the wishbone, because "nobody else is doing it; hard to prepare for." Now we've got a plain, power offense with good passing, and they're saying the same thing. Title: Re: "WVU coach Dana Holgorsen explains why it's difficult preparing for Alabama offense" Post by: ricky023 on September 02, 2014, 01:45:05 PM I think when you get a HUNH team like Coach Holgorson you can put stock what he says because he is a no nonsense guy. RTR!
Title: Re: "WVU coach Dana Holgorsen explains why it's difficult preparing for Alabama offense" Post by: bamaphil on September 02, 2014, 08:06:03 PM Last year the O-line couldn't manhandle people the way they had the previous couple of years. I think we saw Saturday that this year's line is much improved. As long the offense can control the clock, move the ball, and put points on the board I think the team will be able to win the early games while the defense matures.
Title: Re: "WVU coach Dana Holgorsen explains why it's difficult preparing for Alabama offense" Post by: Chechem on September 02, 2014, 08:09:56 PM Last year the O-line couldn't manhandle people the way they had the previous couple of years. I think we saw Saturday that this year's line is much improved. As long the offense can control the clock, move the ball, and put points on the board I think the team will be able to win the early games while the defense matures. Exactly. We've got a baby champion. |