Title: "Nick Saban explains why it’s important for both Blake Sims, Jacob Coker to play Saturday" Post by: WALL-E on September 03, 2014, 11:48:02 AM Nick Saban explains why it’s important for both Blake Sims, Jacob Coker to play Saturday
Title: Re: "Nick Saban explains why it’s important for both Blake Sims, Jacob Coker to play Saturday" Post by: Chechem on September 03, 2014, 12:24:54 PM Quote "It's important for a couple of reasons," Saban said Wednesday morning on the SEC teleconference. "First of all, we still have a competition at the position so it gives us an opportunity to evaluate how guys play in a game. We already know how Blake Sims played and I thought he played fairly well." ... "But regardless of how the whole quarterback situation works out long term, you always want to have another guy that's ready to go in the game if something happens to the first guy, whoever that might be," Saban said. ... "But when I figure it out," he said. "I'm probably not going to tell you. And I don't know that it's that important, to be honest with you." #+ Tell 'em, Coach. |