Title: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: KoKoPuf on July 04, 2011, 10:13:41 AM I'm not sure this helped proved his point. http://news.yahoo.com/ny-motorcyclist-helmet-protest-hits-head-dies-225710487.html Title: Re: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: ricky023 on July 04, 2011, 10:18:09 AM I would say that to me it doesn't take but a few minutes to slip on a helmet. Why do they not want the extra protection, which even may have saved his life. I have seen some very cool helmets. I think he died proving his point for sure. RTR!
Title: Re: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: rueben on July 04, 2011, 10:20:26 AM Define Irony.
Oh, and it cracks me up that you can ride a motorcycle in Florida with no helmet, but you are required one for a bicycle. Title: Re: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: ssmith general on July 04, 2011, 10:32:06 AM I dont remember really, but didnt Tejas revoke it's helmet law only to reinstate it shortly thereafter due to a spike in motorcycle fatalities?
Title: Re: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: N.AL-Tider on July 04, 2011, 11:37:48 AM I think this statement:
Quote he motorcyclist, 55-year-old Philip A. Contos, likely would have survived the accident if he'd been wearing a helmet, state troopers said. is likely more of a political statement than factual. In all likelyhood, Mr. Contos was "showing out" a bit before he lost control of his bike. To me, that would be counter to the reasoning behind the protest in addition to the agenda to repeal helmet laws.Title: Re: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: Kupkake on July 04, 2011, 12:39:41 PM Darwin principle at work.
Title: Re: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: Jamos on July 04, 2011, 02:37:58 PM Nothing like being dead right, how dumb can some people be. :(
Title: Re: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: rueben on July 04, 2011, 03:08:00 PM Darwin principle at work. True, but I like, "The Buffalo Theory" better. ;D Title: Re: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on July 05, 2011, 03:11:00 PM I ride. I have 2 Harleys. I would not get on one without boots, gloves, goggles, and my DOT helmet.
I have had five 4 wheelers over the years. Use them for hunting. Hunting in November 2003. I had a bad accident on a 4 wheeler and would have been killed if I wasn't wearing a DOT helmet... I was on a large hill, climbing it very slow moving towards a ridge I had seen deer on the day before, all a sudden in a flash of a second the 4 wheeler flipped right over on top of me fracturing my left humerus. I had climbed the same hill the day before. I had to walk out of the woods 5 miles to a house, the last hour or so in the dark. I couldn't take the DOT helmet off because I was holding my broken arm with my good arm. I had to maintain my balance and not fall in the woods because I bearly got to my feet after the injury. Also no one knew where I was even hunting. My DOT helmet had scratches all over it. It saved my life. The surgeon drilled my left shoulder and inserted a steel rod from shoulder to my elbow and used some screws to anchor it. It was called a flex rod. It has a phillipos head screw at the top of rod. Surgeon, with rod in place then turned screw and tightened up pulling my elbow up towards my shoulder until bone was back in place. Then I wore a hard plastic cast over my fractured arm until April. I have a Kubota RTV 900 now. I sold my last 4 wheeler last year. 8) Title: Re: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: rueben on July 05, 2011, 09:12:39 PM I ride. I have 2 Harleys. I would not get on one without boots, gloves, goggles, and my DOT helmet. I have had five 4 wheelers over the years. Use them for hunting. Hunting in November 2003. I had a bad accident on a 4 wheeler and would have been killed if I wasn't wearing a DOT helmet... I was on a large hill, climbing it very slow moving towards a ridge I had seen deer on the day before, all a sudden in a flash of a second the 4 wheeler flipped right over on top of me fracturing my left humerus. I had climbed the same hill the day before. I had to walk out of the woods 5 miles to a house, the last hour or so in the dark. I couldn't take the DOT helmet off because I was holding my broken arm with my good arm. I had to maintain my balance and not fall in the woods because I bearly got to my feet after the injury. Also no one knew where I was even hunting. My DOT helmet had scratches all over it. It saved my life. The surgeon drilled my left shoulder and inserted a steel rod from shoulder to my elbow and used some screws to anchor it. It was called a flex rod. It has a phillipos head screw at the top of rod. Surgeon, with rod in place then turned screw and tightened up pulling my elbow up towards my shoulder until bone was back in place. Then I wore a hard plastic cast over my fractured arm until April. I have a Kubota RTV 900 now. I sold my last 4 wheeler last year. 8) Wow!!! Glad you survived...true grit being able to awlk out under those circumstances! Title: Re: Helmet Protest Rider Killed Post by: ricky023 on July 05, 2011, 09:36:45 PM My sister and her husband are team drivers for Schnieder and they ride High Dollar Harley's but he would never let her own hers w/o a helmet. Neither will he do it. They go to Sturgis every year but they always wear a Helmet. RTR!