Title: My Rant Post by: Peewee from Grand Bay on September 07, 2014, 12:50:29 PM Well I just went off on some folks on a different sight on the quarterback situation and now I want yall's honest opinions on what I said. This is what I believe to be true.
OK let me make this very clear for everyone who does not understand yet. NOBODY & I REPEAT NOBODY HAS EARNED ANYTHING YET!!!!! This right here most of these comments someone say well it obvious Blake or Jake has earned it well if that were true we would not be having this going on right now. CNS and his staff will decide who and when someone does earn it. until then you need to believe in the decisions that CNS and his staff are making and STHU!!!!! That is why all of these stories are coming out. That is why it is being talked about everyday in the media. Because yall keep running your mouths!!! Do you not have faith in the Head Coach that has won 3 of the last 5 National Champions?? Do you not trust him to do whatever it is to give us the best chance to win the game?? Do you not trust the man who has led us to 72 wins in the last six years and now 74 two games into his seventh year something that has NEVER been done on any level of College Football EVER!!?? If you a true fan of The University of Alabama then your answer should be yes, and if your answer is no? Then you need to do some really deep soul searching and make sure you are supporting the right team for you, because it seems like to me that you are not. Roll Tide!!!!!!! Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 01:00:55 PM I see very good things in both and some mistakes. I like discussing football, but, I understand when our coaching staff make a decision they will eventually inform us. I like seeing both in the game!
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 07, 2014, 01:05:27 PM Well I just went off on some folks on a different sight on the quarterback situation and now I want yall's honest opinions on what I said. This is what I believe to be true. OK let me make this very clear for everyone who does not understand yet. NOBODY & I REPEAT NOBODY HAS EARNED ANYTHING YET!!!!! This right here most of these comments someone say well it obvious Blake or Jake has earned it well if that were true we would not be having this going on right now. CNS and his staff will decide who and when someone does earn it. until then you need to believe in the decisions that CNS and his staff are making and STHU!!!!! That is why all of these stories are coming out. That is why it is being talked about everyday in the media. Because yall keep running your mouths!!! Do you not have faith in the Head Coach that has won 3 of the last 5 National Champions?? Do you not trust him to do whatever it is to give us the best chance to win the game?? Do you not trust the man who has led us to 72 wins in the last six years and now 74 two games into his seventh year something that has NEVER been done on any level of College Football EVER!!?? If you a true fan of The University of Alabama then your answer should be yes, and if your answer is no? Then you need to do some really deep soul searching and make sure you are supporting the right team for you, because it seems like to me that you are not. Roll Tide!!!!!!! First of all, this is an opinion board and people have a right to their own opinions. Saban is not God and he has made mistakes in the past. No doubt many factors have entered into the decision of the QB situation but before you go off the deep end on something so trivial (this is a sport, not life and death), I think you might need to look in the mirror and see if you aren't a little too over-the top. I admire your passion, but we are all Tide fans. ;) :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 01:08:37 PM MD who are you to judge someone and say they may be a little over the top? You of all people would argue with a stop sign@! :lol:
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Merk on September 07, 2014, 01:21:49 PM You are spot on, Pee Wee. The QB issue is being handled properly by Saban and Kiffin. We, as fans, should trust the best coach in a generation.
The issue will be resolved in due time. And, as Saban said, he could care less what arm chair Coaches think. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: KoKoPuf on September 07, 2014, 01:23:50 PM I agree with MD! This is an opinion board and we can talk about anything we want. If it offends someone so be it. Discussing, or arguing, the merits of starter vs backup has been going on since they first strapped on the leather helmets, or maybe togas. Saban is a great coach but he has made mistakes and will continue to do so. It's life. As fans we get to cheer or criticize and I feel like I have paid my dues during good times and bad.
I also want to point out that while he berates us for talking about the QB issue, PeeWee starts a thread on an opinion board about it. But that is what makes the board fun. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: McBaman on September 07, 2014, 01:29:02 PM Argue with a stop sign! Ha!! Now that's funny.
Well, CNS may not be God but he is the HC and therefore he will make the decision. I expect this QB thing will go on for another game and then a decision of some kind will be made. Based on what I've seen so far, I think the starter will be Sims, but Coker will get decent playing time. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: 2Stater on September 07, 2014, 01:48:02 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game.
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 07, 2014, 01:51:52 PM MD who are you to judge someone and say they may be a little over the top? You of all people would argue with a stop sign@! :lol: I restate what I just said, everyone has an opinion and if I feel strongly about something I state it. At least you know where I am coming from and I have my own mind and don't just follow the crowd. Also, I don't see coaches like a god-like figure, they're men just like us. Besides, I prefer to argue with a Yield sign, not a stop sign. Yield is too abstract, whereas stop is definitive. :D Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 02:07:22 PM MD who are you to judge someone and say they may be a little over the top? You of all people would argue with a stop sign@! :lol: I restate what I just said, everyone has an opinion and if I feel strongly about something I state it. At least you know where I am coming from and I have my own mind and don't just follow the crowd. Also, I don't see coaches like a god-like figure, they're men just like us. Besides, I prefer to argue with a Yield sign, not a stop sign. Yield is too abstract, whereas stop is definitive. :D :o :-X Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Chechem on September 07, 2014, 04:14:00 PM I don't come on here to argue. BTW, this is a forum, not an 'opinion board'.
I come here to cheer for Alabama, learn more about football (mostly), visit with e-friends, and obtain Bama news. Peewee asked for honest opinions, then gave his. No need to attack him at all. My opinion, Peewee, is that Coach Saban will make the determination, he is the head coach, and that we should support his decision. And we should support the player he chooses. It irks me a bit for people who are 200 miles or more from the practice sessions to start berating the coaching decisions about who should play. So, I agree that we should support the coach's decisions. But I disagree if you think people shouldn't have opinions. You know the saying: "Opinions are like a-holes; everybody has one." Nobody will change that, and I have no interest in trying to shut up those who think they know more than our $5-7M coach. Not in my interest. Roll Tide. ;) Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 04:23:00 PM I think Peewee is just frustrated with all the arm chair coaches trying to 2nd guess CNS, we can't change anything. It is what it is. This is a good site, but, some of the sites are slinging mud at each other over who should be the starting QB and I question like Peewee whether they are even BAMA fans or someone just wanting to stir and develop a controversary
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: 2Stater on September 07, 2014, 04:25:51 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. So, no takers? :dunno: :lol2: I try to take the flamers with a grain of salt. Not always easy to do. At least here, there's not too much of that. It does irk me, though, mostly on others sites, when someone expresses an opinion, and another poster calls them a moron, or worse. Same goes for those who blast Saban for some of his decisions. For crying out loud, he led us out of the desert, into the promise land. Second guessing him is one thing, but bashing him is completely ludicrous. We really do have a spoiled fanbase sometimes. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: roll tide roll on September 07, 2014, 04:33:25 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. I'll add 5. So, 10 e-creds that Sims starts v. UF. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 04:35:43 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. So, no takers? :dunno: :lol2: I try to take the flamers with a grain of salt. Not always easy to do. At least here, there's not too much of that. It does irk me, though, mostly on others sites, when someone expresses an opinion, and another poster calls them a moron, or worse. Same goes for those who blast Saban for some of his decisions. For crying out loud, he led us out of the desert, into the promise land. Second guessing him is one thing, but bashing him is completely ludicrous. We really do have a spoiled fanbase sometimes. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: 2Stater on September 07, 2014, 04:37:20 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. I'll add 5. So, 10 e-creds that Sims starts v. UF. Are you betting against me or taking more action that Sims will start the UF game? :duh: Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 04:41:35 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. I'll add 5. So, 10 e-creds that Sims starts v. UF. Are you betting against me or taking more action that Sims will start the UF game? :duh: Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Chechem on September 07, 2014, 04:43:52 PM ... I try to take the flamers with a grain of salt. Not always easy to do. At least here, there's not too much of that. It does irk me, though, mostly on others sites, when someone expresses an opinion, and another poster calls them a moron, or worse. Same goes for those who blast Saban for some of his decisions. For crying out loud, he led us out of the desert, into the promise land. Second guessing him is one thing, but bashing him is completely ludicrous. We really do have a spoiled fanbase sometimes. Agreed. People here are generally more sane than most sites. And we have discussions that may go on for 6-7 pages without anyone starting a fight, cursing, or attacking another poster's manhood. HSCoach, for instance, left another forum because he was attacked constantly for his posts. He is a strength of this forum. If it helps, picture those posters who attack with regularity as kids on their mama's computer, maybe 15 years old, trying to find manhood. It's prolly true. Several people who frequent this forum have worked closely with Alabama football since the 1960s, are knowledgeable enough to understand the intricacies of the game, and are generous enough to share their knowledge. I thank them. Hopefully we will always share generously and not attack each other. Discussion is the key. So is tolerance. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: ricky023 on September 07, 2014, 04:46:25 PM I love it here because it is honest, civil, Alabama enjoyment with each other. That is my peepers worth. RTR!
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: BamaBred on September 07, 2014, 04:50:39 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. So, no takers? :dunno: :lol2: No, sir. My Daddy didn't raise no fool. I ain't in the business of losing e-creds. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 04:53:13 PM I love it here because it is honest, civil, Alabama enjoyment with each other. That is my peepers worth. RTR! You should list that 2 will occasionally try and steal a thread and e-creds! :lol:Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Chechem on September 07, 2014, 04:56:54 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. So, no takers? :dunno: :lol2: No, sir. My Daddy didn't raise no fool. I ain't in the business of losing e-creds. I'll give you an e-cred for using the word Daddy and fool in the same sentence! #+ Title: Re: My Rant Post by: 2Stater on September 07, 2014, 05:25:41 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. So, no takers? :dunno: :lol2: No, sir. My Daddy didn't raise no fool. I ain't in the business of losing e-creds. I'll give you an e-cred for using the word Daddy and fool in the same sentence! #+ She knows me well. :lol2: Title: Re: My Rant Post by: 2Stater on September 07, 2014, 05:31:03 PM I love it here because it is honest, civil, Alabama enjoyment with each other. That is my peepers worth. RTR! You should list that 2 will occasionally try and steal a thread and e-creds! :lol:Apparently 57 knows me too well, also. :lol: Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Chechem on September 07, 2014, 05:36:55 PM I love it here because it is honest, civil, Alabama enjoyment with each other. That is my peepers worth. RTR! You should list that 2 will occasionally try and steal a thread and e-creds! :lol:Apparently 57 knows me too well, also. :lol: #+ Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Jamos on September 07, 2014, 05:39:58 PM I've always heard that sometimes the best way to say something is to not say anything at all and I think that might be the case here for me. ;)
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: 2Stater on September 07, 2014, 05:54:46 PM I love it here because it is honest, civil, Alabama enjoyment with each other. That is my peepers worth. RTR! You should list that 2 will occasionally try and steal a thread and e-creds! :lol:Apparently 57 knows me too well, also. :lol: #+ :worship: @J - That's why you're known as the wisest member of this forum. ;) Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 06:09:46 PM I love it here because it is honest, civil, Alabama enjoyment with each other. That is my peepers worth. RTR! You should list that 2 will occasionally try and steal a thread and e-creds! :lol:Apparently 57 knows me too well, also. :lol: #+ :worship: @J - That's why you're known as the wisest member of this forum. ;) Title: Re: My Rant Post by: 2Stater on September 07, 2014, 06:14:29 PM I love it here because it is honest, civil, Alabama enjoyment with each other. That is my peepers worth. RTR! You should list that 2 will occasionally try and steal a thread and e-creds! :lol:Apparently 57 knows me too well, also. :lol: #+ :worship: @J - That's why you're known as the wisest member of this forum. ;) Never apologize for a quality post. :clap: Whoops, I've hijacked another one! :lol: Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 06:15:53 PM I love it here because it is honest, civil, Alabama enjoyment with each other. That is my peepers worth. RTR! You should list that 2 will occasionally try and steal a thread and e-creds! :lol:Apparently 57 knows me too well, also. :lol: #+ :worship: @J - That's why you're known as the wisest member of this forum. ;) Never apologize for a quality post. :clap: Whoops, I've hijacked another one! :lol: Title: Re: My Rant Post by: ALTideUp on September 07, 2014, 06:16:43 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. I'll add 5. So, 10 e-creds that Sims starts v. UF. Are you betting against me or taking more action that Sims will start the UF game? :duh: I'll take the action. Sims will start the UF game unless he is injured between now and then. If he is injured all bets are off. In fairness, if Coker is injured, I won't take the creds: the bet is about who is the best choice in his top form. I'm also gonna go out on a limb here and ask you to consider how the mostly unspoken racial dimension of this competition figures in. I wonder what the narrative would be if Sims were the white fellow and Coker was the black guy transferring in. I think this is one of those situations in which race matters but in which most everyone is convinced that it doesn't. Or that it may matters to other folks but not to us. Thoughts? Title: Re: My Rant Post by: 2Stater on September 07, 2014, 06:23:47 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. I'll add 5. So, 10 e-creds that Sims starts v. UF. Are you betting against me or taking more action that Sims will start the UF game? :duh: I'll take the action. Sims will start the UF game unless he is injured between now and then. If he is injured all bets are off. In fairness, if Coker is injured, I won't take the creds: the bet is about who is the best choice in his top form. I'm also gonna go out on a limb here and ask you to consider how the mostly unspoken racial dimension of this competition figures in. I wonder what the narrative would be if Sims were the white fellow and Coker was the black guy transferring in. I think this is one of those situations in which race matters but in which most everyone is convinced that it doesn't. Or that it may matters to other folks but not to us. Thoughts? Dang it, still no takers! >:( ATU, on the race matter; I think there is some smoke with that fire, in some other forums, of which I know who some of the players are. The truth of the matter is, I don't think it matters to most people. It's a matter of "May the best QB win" to most Bama fans, IMO. At least that's how I feel about it and right now, I think Sims is the guy. After the A Day game, you'd have never heard me say that. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: ALTideUp on September 07, 2014, 06:27:22 PM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. I'll add 5. So, 10 e-creds that Sims starts v. UF. Are you betting against me or taking more action that Sims will start the UF game? :duh: I'll take the action. Sims will start the UF game unless he is injured between now and then. If he is injured all bets are off. In fairness, if Coker is injured, I won't take the creds: the bet is about who is the best choice in his top form. I'm also gonna go out on a limb here and ask you to consider how the mostly unspoken racial dimension of this competition figures in. I wonder what the narrative would be if Sims were the white fellow and Coker was the black guy transferring in. I think this is one of those situations in which race matters but in which most everyone is convinced that it doesn't. Or that it may matters to other folks but not to us. Thoughts? Dang it, still no takers! >:( ATU, on the race matter; I think there is some smoke with that fire, in some other forums, of which I know who some of the players are. The truth of the matter is, I don't think it matters to most people. It's a matter of "May the best QB win" to most Bama fans, IMO. At least that's how I feel about it and right now, I think Sims is the guy. After the A Day game, you'd have never heard me say that. I misunderstood. I thought you were predicting that Sims wouldn't start. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 07, 2014, 06:34:48 PM I don't come on here to argue. BTW, this is a forum, not an 'opinion board'. I come here to cheer for Alabama, learn more about football (mostly), visit with e-friends, and obtain Bama news. Peewee asked for honest opinions, then gave his. No need to attack him at all. My opinion, Peewee, is that Coach Saban will make the determination, he is the head coach, and that we should support his decision. And we should support the player he chooses. It irks me a bit for people who are 200 miles or more from the practice sessions to start berating the coaching decisions about who should play. So, I agree that we should support the coach's decisions. But I disagree if you think people shouldn't have opinions. You know the saying: "Opinions are like a-holes; everybody has one." Nobody will change that, and I have no interest in trying to shut up those who think they know more than our $5-7M coach. Not in my interest. Roll Tide. ;) So no "opinions" are expressed on this forum? Every forum is about opinions, whether it's about hunting, guns, sports, or politics. Disagreeing with someone is not arguing. HS Coach gives his opinion when he gives a breakdown of a game. Also, I find it incredible that he was attacked on another forum, I don't get such behavior for a person who is giving his observations (opinion) about a football game. I really don't get the point of your post. PeeWee asked for honest feedback and now he's being attacked if someone was giving too strong of an opinion. You are a very solid poster and I enjoy your posts, but I'm confused this time. ??? Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Chechem on September 07, 2014, 06:41:23 PM I don't come on here to argue. BTW, this is a forum, not an 'opinion board'. So no "opinions" are expressed on this forum? Every forum is about opinions, whether it's about hunting, guns, sports, or politics. Disagreeing with someone is not arguing. HS Coach gives his opinion when he gives a breakdown of a game. Also, I find it incredible that he was attacked on another forum, I don't get such behavior for a person who is giving his observations (opinion) about a football game. I really don't get the point of your post. PeeWee asked for honest feedback and now he's being attacked if someone was giving too strong of an opinion. You are a very solid poster and I enjoy your posts, but I'm confused this time.I come here to cheer for Alabama, learn more about football (mostly), visit with e-friends, and obtain Bama news. Peewee asked for honest opinions, then gave his. No need to attack him at all. My opinion, Peewee, is that Coach Saban will make the determination, he is the head coach, and that we should support his decision. And we should support the player he chooses. It irks me a bit for people who are 200 miles or more from the practice sessions to start berating the coaching decisions about who should play. So, I agree that we should support the coach's decisions. But I disagree if you think people shouldn't have opinions. You know the saying: "Opinions are like a-holes; everybody has one." Nobody will change that, and I have no interest in trying to shut up those who think they know more than our $5-7M coach. Not in my interest. Roll Tide. ;) ??? You misquoted me. Did I say 'no opinions are expressed on this forum'? I did not. I said this is a "forum", not an "opinion board", a term used by 2 posters above. Since you failed to read my post correctly, or don't know that a forum is not an opinion board, let me provide a definition: "Forums prefer a premise of open and free discussion and often adopt de facto standards. Most common topics on forums include questions, comparisons, polls of opinion as well as debates." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_forum A forum may include opinions, but a forum is not an opinion board. At least it's not supposed to be herein. That was my point. I went on the explain what is expected in an open forum, and what is not. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 06:55:30 PM The check just checked you.....where do we go from here?
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 06:59:17 PM It seems as though everybody hijacked what Peewee was trying to express!
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Peewee from Grand Bay on September 07, 2014, 06:59:43 PM Well let me first say to MD, the people who I made this reply to was not on this forum. It had nothing to do with anyone here. You said this is an opinion board and that is exactly why I posted here and asked for honest replies. I did not question anyone in CRS Loyalty. I did not mean for this to cause a big stink on here and I apologize to anyone that I may have offended with my words.
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 07:06:37 PM Let me be the 1st to encourage your post on this forum!
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 07:12:31 PM It brought great debate
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 07, 2014, 07:16:24 PM I don't come on here to argue. BTW, this is a forum, not an 'opinion board'. So no "opinions" are expressed on this forum? Every forum is about opinions, whether it's about hunting, guns, sports, or politics. Disagreeing with someone is not arguing. HS Coach gives his opinion when he gives a breakdown of a game. Also, I find it incredible that he was attacked on another forum, I don't get such behavior for a person who is giving his observations (opinion) about a football game. I really don't get the point of your post. PeeWee asked for honest feedback and now he's being attacked if someone was giving too strong of an opinion. You are a very solid poster and I enjoy your posts, but I'm confused this time.I come here to cheer for Alabama, learn more about football (mostly), visit with e-friends, and obtain Bama news. Peewee asked for honest opinions, then gave his. No need to attack him at all. My opinion, Peewee, is that Coach Saban will make the determination, he is the head coach, and that we should support his decision. And we should support the player he chooses. It irks me a bit for people who are 200 miles or more from the practice sessions to start berating the coaching decisions about who should play. So, I agree that we should support the coach's decisions. But I disagree if you think people shouldn't have opinions. You know the saying: "Opinions are like a-holes; everybody has one." Nobody will change that, and I have no interest in trying to shut up those who think they know more than our $5-7M coach. Not in my interest. Roll Tide. ;) ??? You misquoted me. Did I say 'no opinions are expressed on this forum'? I did not. I said this is a "forum", not an "opinion board", a term used by 2 posters above. Since you failed to read my post correctly, or don't know that a forum is not an opinion board, let me provide a definition: "Forums prefer a premise of open and free discussion and often adopt de facto standards. Most common topics on forums include questions, comparisons, polls of opinion as well as debates." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_forum A forum may include opinions, but a forum is not an opinion board. At least it's not supposed to be herein. That was my point. I went on the explain what is expected in an open forum, and what is not. I think you are really splitting hairs. Almost everything we say on this forum (The Quad) is an opinion. Yes, someone makes a statement or asks a question, then posters respond with opinions A point of view is an opinion, period. Unless you are stating a fact, like Coach Bryant' won-loss record, the Alabama football schedule, the sun rises in the east, or Auburn is a cow college & little sister to Alabama, or news item or website, then you are giving an opinion, especially on the QUAD forum. It's no big deal because I enjoy the back & forth and don't take things personal. I really enjoy the posters here and find them all unique and interesting in their own way. Some are funny, others are thoughtful, & others are just having a good time on the forum. :clap: :clap: :clap: Title: Re: My Rant Post by: McBaman on September 07, 2014, 07:39:33 PM AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I think everyone who has posted in this thread should get 5 e-cred.
But that's just my opinion. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 07, 2014, 07:44:01 PM Well let me first say to MD, the people who I made this reply to was not on this forum. It had nothing to do with anyone here. You said this is an opinion board and that is exactly why I posted here and asked for honest replies. I did not question anyone in CRS Loyalty. I did not mean for this to cause a big stink on here and I apologize to anyone that I may have offended with my words. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for. You're a good poster & super Tide fan. I assumed you were talking to those nuts on wooly al and other folks have misinterpreted what I said. You have not caused a stink, just a lively discussion. Keep posting, that's what drives the forum. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Marshal Dillon on September 07, 2014, 07:45:37 PM AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I think everyone who has posted in this thread should get 5 e-cred. But that's just my opinion. LOL!!!! Now that is funny and made me laugh. #+ #+ Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 07, 2014, 08:01:09 PM Roll Tide Peewee!
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Chechem on September 07, 2014, 08:10:33 PM AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I think everyone who has posted in this thread should get 5 e-cred. But that's just my opinion. I gave you one in the e-cred thread. Now you owe 215 e-creds for the rest of these fine folks. :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Peewee from Grand Bay on September 07, 2014, 08:42:11 PM Roll Tide Peewee! Roll Tide 57!!!Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Chechem on September 07, 2014, 08:44:20 PM Roll Tide Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on September 08, 2014, 08:16:18 AM I'll bet 5 e-creds with anyone on here, that Sims starts the UF game. So, no takers? :dunno: :lol2: No, sir. My Daddy didn't raise no fool. I ain't in the business of losing e-creds. I'll give you an e-cred for using the word Daddy and fool in the same sentence! #+ Oh my, this made me laugh. Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 08, 2014, 08:47:02 AM A good read:
The QB Battle: I am glad that Blake Sims and Jake Coker know how to handle this competition better than the UA fan base. Could the bias be any more obvious when the collective at Bryant-Denny Stadium gives Coker a standing ovation when he entered the game? You now have grown men on the internet charting the distance that Sims passes travel trying to show that he does not have the arm strength to be the starter. Watching Blake Sims refuse to give in to the fans and maybe even to the coaching staff’s desires to see Coker win the job has been one of the greatest experiences ever for me as a Alabama fan. He might be 5’11” and he might have a weak arm, but his heart, desire and leadership are what is making this team tick right now. Blake is a throwback to a time when “not every kid got a da#@ trophy”. He could have accepted what people said about him after the A-Day Game, but he didn’t. He went out and worked for something that was important to him. He earned it with zero sense of entitlement. At times I like what I saw from both QB’s today. One is better right now, the other could emerge as the top guy in the future. I think both are quality young men off the field as well. How they handle the ups and downs of this season will go a long way in shaping how the 2014 season turns out. Speaking of handling ups and downs, could Blake Sims have hit it out of the park any farther than when a reporter asked him today about his relationship with Coker ….. “He has strengths where my weakness is and I’ve got strengths where his weakness is,” Sims said. “We’re a team.” Yes you are Blake and I think you are teaching some grown men and woman just exactly what that concept is all about. http://www.alabamaintel.com/redfish-rewind-alabama-41-florida-atlantic-0/ Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Chechem on September 08, 2014, 08:48:56 AM A good read: The QB Battle: I am glad that Blake Sims and Jake Coker know how to handle this competition better than the UA fan base. Could the bias be any more obvious when the collective at Bryant-Denny Stadium gives Coker a standing ovation when he entered the game? You now have grown men on the internet charting the distance that Sims passes travel trying to show that he does not have the arm strength to be the starter. Watching Blake Sims refuse to give in to the fans and maybe even to the coaching staff’s desires to see Coker win the job has been one of the greatest experiences ever for me as a Alabama fan. He might be 5’11” and he might have a weak arm, but his heart, desire and leadership are what is making this team tick right now. Blake is a throwback to a time when “not every kid got a da#@ trophy”. He could have accepted what people said about him after the A-Day Game, but he didn’t. He went out and worked for something that was important to him. He earned it with zero sense of entitlement. At times I like what I saw from both QB’s today. One is better right now, the other could emerge as the top guy in the future. I think both are quality young men off the field as well. How they handle the ups and downs of this season will go a long way in shaping how the 2014 season turns out. Speaking of handling ups and downs, could Blake Sims have hit it out of the park any farther than when a reporter asked him today about his relationship with Coker ….. “He has strengths where my weakness is and I’ve got strengths where his weakness is,” Sims said. “We’re a team.” Yes you are Blake and I think you are teaching some grown men and woman just exactly what that concept is all about. http://www.alabamaintel.com/redfish-rewind-alabama-41-florida-atlantic-0/ E-cred for the post. Excellent. #+ Title: Re: My Rant Post by: 2Stater on September 08, 2014, 08:53:02 AM A good read: The QB Battle: I am glad that Blake Sims and Jake Coker know how to handle this competition better than the UA fan base. Could the bias be any more obvious when the collective at Bryant-Denny Stadium gives Coker a standing ovation when he entered the game? You now have grown men on the internet charting the distance that Sims passes travel trying to show that he does not have the arm strength to be the starter. Watching Blake Sims refuse to give in to the fans and maybe even to the coaching staff’s desires to see Coker win the job has been one of the greatest experiences ever for me as a Alabama fan. He might be 5’11” and he might have a weak arm, but his heart, desire and leadership are what is making this team tick right now. Blake is a throwback to a time when “not every kid got a da#@ trophy”. He could have accepted what people said about him after the A-Day Game, but he didn’t. He went out and worked for something that was important to him. He earned it with zero sense of entitlement. At times I like what I saw from both QB’s today. One is better right now, the other could emerge as the top guy in the future. I think both are quality young men off the field as well. How they handle the ups and downs of this season will go a long way in shaping how the 2014 season turns out. Speaking of handling ups and downs, could Blake Sims have hit it out of the park any farther than when a reporter asked him today about his relationship with Coker ….. “He has strengths where my weakness is and I’ve got strengths where his weakness is,” Sims said. “We’re a team.” Yes you are Blake and I think you are teaching some grown men and woman just exactly what that concept is all about. http://www.alabamaintel.com/redfish-rewind-alabama-41-florida-atlantic-0/ AMEN!!! Have an e-cred. #+ Title: Re: My Rant Post by: ricky023 on September 08, 2014, 09:28:29 AM #+, make it a triple e-cred. I am glad the QB's know how to handle competition better than our fans and those sports writers. They only do this to get inside their heads and mess with them. Blake is doing well. I don't know about Jacob yet I haven't seen him that. I do know that if you have a 2 QB race what better 2 could there be? RTR!
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: 2Stater on September 08, 2014, 09:40:15 AM http://espn.go.com/blog/sec/post/_/id/88124/sims-the-clear-leader-in-tide-qb-race
Quote But if you’re going to continue referring to Alabama’s quarterback battle, you must now admit that Blake Sims is well ahead of Jake Coker, maybe far enough out of reach to call the race. It’s not the result many people expected, to be sure, but all you had to do was watch the reaction of players and coaches during Saturday’s game against Florida Atlantic to see where the quarterbacks stood. Nick Saban threw his headset to the ground when Coker took an ill-advised sack. Lane Kiffin held his arms out in disbelief when Coker failed to manage the play clock. Amari Cooper pointed toward the sky when Coker threw a back shoulder pass instead of a fade to the corner of the end zone. (http://www.brownplanet.com/images/artists/pictures/tony-montana-smoking-a-cigar-picture.jpg) Title: Re: My Rant Post by: ricky023 on September 08, 2014, 09:48:12 AM He has strengths where my weakness are,” Sims said, “and I’ve got strengths where his weaknesses are.
“We’re a team.” This is the Blake Sims I like and support. :clap: :D Blake has integrity to the team. RTR! Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Peewee from Grand Bay on September 08, 2014, 10:17:54 AM A good read: The QB Battle: I am glad that Blake Sims and Jake Coker know how to handle this competition better than the UA fan base. Could the bias be any more obvious when the collective at Bryant-Denny Stadium gives Coker a standing ovation when he entered the game? You now have grown men on the internet charting the distance that Sims passes travel trying to show that he does not have the arm strength to be the starter. Watching Blake Sims refuse to give in to the fans and maybe even to the coaching staff’s desires to see Coker win the job has been one of the greatest experiences ever for me as a Alabama fan. He might be 5’11” and he might have a weak arm, but his heart, desire and leadership are what is making this team tick right now. Blake is a throwback to a time when “not every kid got a da#@ trophy”. He could have accepted what people said about him after the A-Day Game, but he didn’t. He went out and worked for something that was important to him. He earned it with zero sense of entitlement. At times I like what I saw from both QB’s today. One is better right now, the other could emerge as the top guy in the future. I think both are quality young men off the field as well. How they handle the ups and downs of this season will go a long way in shaping how the 2014 season turns out. Speaking of handling ups and downs, could Blake Sims have hit it out of the park any farther than when a reporter asked him today about his relationship with Coker ….. “He has strengths where my weakness is and I’ve got strengths where his weakness is,” Sims said. “We’re a team.” Yes you are Blake and I think you are teaching some grown men and woman just exactly what that concept is all about. http://www.alabamaintel.com/redfish-rewind-alabama-41-florida-atlantic-0/ AMEN!!! Have an e-cred. #+ Great post!!! That is the way it is supposed to work!!! Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Jamos on September 08, 2014, 08:16:36 PM A good read: The QB Battle: I am glad that Blake Sims and Jake Coker know how to handle this competition better than the UA fan base. Could the bias be any more obvious when the collective at Bryant-Denny Stadium gives Coker a standing ovation when he entered the game? You now have grown men on the internet charting the distance that Sims passes travel trying to show that he does not have the arm strength to be the starter. Watching Blake Sims refuse to give in to the fans and maybe even to the coaching staff’s desires to see Coker win the job has been one of the greatest experiences ever for me as a Alabama fan. He might be 5’11” and he might have a weak arm, but his heart, desire and leadership are what is making this team tick right now. Blake is a throwback to a time when “not every kid got a da#@ trophy”. He could have accepted what people said about him after the A-Day Game, but he didn’t. He went out and worked for something that was important to him. He earned it with zero sense of entitlement. At times I like what I saw from both QB’s today. One is better right now, the other could emerge as the top guy in the future. I think both are quality young men off the field as well. How they handle the ups and downs of this season will go a long way in shaping how the 2014 season turns out. Speaking of handling ups and downs, could Blake Sims have hit it out of the park any farther than when a reporter asked him today about his relationship with Coker ….. “He has strengths where my weakness is and I’ve got strengths where his weakness is,” Sims said. “We’re a team.” Yes you are Blake and I think you are teaching some grown men and woman just exactly what that concept is all about. http://www.alabamaintel.com/redfish-rewind-alabama-41-florida-atlantic-0/ Good read. :clap: Title: Re: My Rant Post by: bama57 on September 09, 2014, 01:26:44 PM Link to another good read on our QB's!
http://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/alabama-football/alabama-football-sims-coker-disturbing-underlying-tone-qb-battle/ Title: Re: My Rant Post by: cbbama99 on September 09, 2014, 05:41:31 PM I have no opinion on this. I just wanted the 5 ecreds from McBaman.
Title: Re: My Rant Post by: Chechem on September 09, 2014, 08:21:36 PM I have no opinion on this. I just wanted the 5 ecreds from McBaman. :lol: For the record, he hasn't posted any of them yet. :yawn: |