Title: Yahoo Reporter 'Charles Robinson' Interview with SNR (An I Bleed Crimson Art.) Post by: rueben on July 06, 2011, 08:14:23 AM http://www.ibleedcrimsonred.com/2011/07/charles-robinsons-interview-with.html (http://www.ibleedcrimsonred.com/2011/07/charles-robinsons-interview-with.html)
Host: Whose appearance in the BCS Championship game gets expunged from the record first: Oregon or Cam Newton and Auburn? Robinson: It’s interesting. Both schools right now are in the midst of NCAA investigations and with NCAA and the lack of transparency, it’s hard to ever say who’s gonna come to the finish line first. We watched USC really develop over a 4-1/2 year period. And that was one that with every passing year, it became less and less likely that the NCAA was finally going to act on it, and then 4-1/2 years later, we saw some of the strictest penalties ever. I don’t know… flip a coin. Title: Re: Yahoo Reporter 'Charles Robinson' Interview with SNR (An I Bleed Crimson Art.) Post by: McBaman on July 06, 2011, 08:29:11 AM I still think the Barn is going to get away with all their cheating. NCAA hasn't shown me that they are capable of getting to the 'true facts' of all that is going on over there. The evidence seems to be there but NCAA doesn't seem to be able to put it together. Hope I'm wrong.
Title: Re: Yahoo Reporter 'Charles Robinson' Interview with SNR (An I Bleed Crimson Art.) Post by: Jamos on July 06, 2011, 08:59:22 AM The NCAA is very capable of doing whatever they care to do, but when they care to do it is another story.
Title: Re: Yahoo Reporter 'Charles Robinson' Interview with SNR (An I Bleed Crimson Art.) Post by: ricky023 on July 06, 2011, 09:38:24 AM The thing about the NCAA when they do their interviews they bring it out so slow, and I think they must put a gag order on anybody who talks to them you never hear it spoken of on the floor. I think both schools will pay and it will be hard like or beyond USCw. RTR!