Title: Brent Callaway plans to enroll in August Post by: pmull on July 07, 2011, 03:36:54 PM I will be glad when Callaway gets cleared by the NCAA, starts atteding classes and workouts. This delay may mean a redshirt for this year. It will be hard to catch after school starts. August practice will be underway and the team will be getting ready for the opener.
Quote Calloway was hoping to enroll in UA's Summer II term, but another mix-up with one of his classes has prevented him from doing that, and he will have to wait until August before taking his first class at Alabama. "Everything collapsed," Calloway said. "There was a bunch of mix-ups at my school. I didn't know which class I was supposed to take, and I didn't take that class. I graduated fine, but I just didn't know I was supposed to take that class. I took the class, but they said I finished it too fast, so I had to take another class. Now I have to take this class for the next four weeks." http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1238082 Title: Re: Brent Callaway plans to enroll in August Post by: rueben on July 07, 2011, 04:20:13 PM I smell something straight out of the barnyard about this...
Title: Re: Brent Callaway plans to enroll in August Post by: Chechem on July 07, 2011, 05:47:04 PM I will be glad when Callaway gets cleared by the NCAA, starts atteding classes and workouts. This delay may mean a redshirt for this year. It will be hard to catch after school starts. August practice will be underway and the team will be getting ready for the opener. Quote Calloway was hoping to enroll in UA's Summer II term, but another mix-up with one of his classes has prevented him from doing that, and he will have to wait until August before taking his first class at Alabama. "Everything collapsed," Calloway said. "There was a bunch of mix-ups at my school. I didn't know which class I was supposed to take, and I didn't take that class. I graduated fine, but I just didn't know I was supposed to take that class. I took the class, but they said I finished it too fast, so I had to take another class. Now I have to take this class for the next four weeks." http://alabama.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1238082 "I took the class, but they said I finished it too fast..." Don't you hate it when these scholar athletes are too intelligent for the system!! Finished it too fast, ha. Title: Re: Brent Callaway plans to enroll in August Post by: Jamos on July 07, 2011, 07:33:14 PM I smell something straight out of the barnyard about this... Me too! ;) |