Title: BR: Duron Carter Finally Makes It to Tuscaloosa for Workouts Post by: pmull on July 09, 2011, 07:10:18 AM This is good news. Everything I have heard he is the real deal. He needs to get to work. We will need him early this year. You can not replace Julio but this certainly helps.
Quote That is good news for Alabama fans, who have been waiting for the problems with his transfer from Coffeyville Community College in Kansas to get ironed out. He is expected to be able to start classes next week and begin working out with his new teammates right away. Carter is just as excited to be on campus as the fans are to have him. Without even putting on a jersey yet, Carter joined fellow Tide receivers Marquis Maze and Darius Hanks on the prestigious Biletnikoff watch list—the award is given annually to the nation's top receiver in college football. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/762099-alabama-football-duron-carter-finally-makes-it-to-tuscaloosa-for-work-outs Title: Re: BR: Duron Carter Finally Makes It to Tuscaloosa for Workouts Post by: 2Stater on July 09, 2011, 07:24:51 AM I agree. I think he will make an immediate impact. Can't wait to see him play.
Title: Re: BR: Duron Carter Finally Makes It to Tuscaloosa for Workouts Post by: ricky023 on July 09, 2011, 11:12:14 AM I just hope we(fans) don't put more pressure on him than he can handle at first. Let him grow in his position first. He will be putting pressure on himself without any help. We need to pump him up and let him know we trust in him. RTR!
Title: Re: BR: Duron Carter Finally Makes It to Tuscaloosa for Workouts Post by: McBaman on July 09, 2011, 11:30:14 AM Are we sure he is taking classes in summer session? Or will he have to wait until late August?
Title: Re: BR: Duron Carter Finally Makes It to Tuscaloosa for Workouts Post by: Jamos on July 09, 2011, 02:54:31 PM If he's as good as they say, I know two quarterbacks that are licking their chops.
Title: Re: BR: Duron Carter Finally Makes It to Tuscaloosa for Workouts Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on July 09, 2011, 03:00:20 PM I enjoyed watching his dad play for the Vikings when they had the best offense in the NFL in the late 1990's.
Chris Carter and Randy Moss set records the year the Vikings made it to the NFC only to loose to Atlanta in the NFC Title game. Just think, The Crimson Tide will have Maze, Hanks, Bell,and Carter as wideouts when they run the empty set. It will make man coverage impossible for the opposing secondarys. Maybe in the next few years or so we will have Barry Sanders's son starting in the back field. I hope Mr. Hart can rehab his knee and come back stronger and just as quick. 8) Title: Re: BR: Duron Carter Finally Makes It to Tuscaloosa for Workouts Post by: Jamos on July 09, 2011, 03:06:13 PM I hope Mr Sanders can read between the lines since Harts injury and commit, there's a golden opprtunity for him. If he doesn't, then he must not be as good as he thinks he is.
Title: Re: BR: Duron Carter Finally Makes It to Tuscaloosa for Workouts Post by: pmull on July 09, 2011, 04:03:09 PM Are we sure he is taking classes in summer session? Or will he have to wait until late August? The Bleacher Report article said he will start classes next week and will be eligible to practice right away. Title: Re: BR: Duron Carter Finally Makes It to Tuscaloosa for Workouts Post by: cbbama99 on July 09, 2011, 06:19:11 PM It will be great for A.J./Philip to have a big target like DC to throw to.
Title: Re: BR: Duron Carter Finally Makes It to Tuscaloosa for Workouts Post by: Terrie1959 on July 09, 2011, 06:37:22 PM I'm glad he's starting this week. The more settled in he is, the better for all