Title: BR: Will Late-Arriving Brent Calloway Be with the Running Backs? Post by: pmull on July 09, 2011, 07:16:39 AM Saban recruited Callaway as a LB but he has the speed and size to be an effective RB in the SEC. I will be glad when he gets in school and starts practice.
Quote With his 4.5 40-yard speed to go along with his 6'3'' and around 225-pound frame, he's one of those rare individuals you could plug into a lot of slots, and that's why he was listed as an athlete instead of just one position. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/761008-brent-calloway-freshman-to-arrive-late-will-he-be-with-the-running-backs Title: Re: BR: Will Late-Arriving Brent Calloway Be with the Running Backs? Post by: ricky023 on July 09, 2011, 11:04:50 AM Well it would be nice to see that 3rd poistioon filled with some RB experience. I think he brings what we are looking for from his stats sheet. RTR!
Title: Re: BR: Will Late-Arriving Brent Calloway Be with the Running Backs? Post by: Jamos on July 09, 2011, 02:53:06 PM Being as atheletic as he is, I'm sure he will get his chance at the RB spot for depth purposes.
Title: Re: BR: Will Late-Arriving Brent Calloway Be with the Running Backs? Post by: cbbama99 on July 09, 2011, 06:21:02 PM Well it would be nice to see that 3rd poistioon filled with some RB experience. I think he brings what we are looking for from his stats sheet. RTR! Well technically J. Fowler has more experience (albeit very little) and will be the third option behind TR and EL, but BC will be nice to fall back on if an emergency RB need is had. Title: Re: BR: Will Late-Arriving Brent Calloway Be with the Running Backs? Post by: Jamos on July 10, 2011, 05:26:56 PM I've got a big question as to how it happened that Calloway was assigned the wrong course to take in summer school. This error of course assignement will now take away one month of training that he could have had if he had been assigned the right class to take.
How could that big of a mistake have happened? ??? |