Title: Saban "Angry" Post by: Catch Prothro on September 26, 2014, 09:55:42 PM Just a week ago, we were all talking about how calm Nick Saban seemed this year. Some attributed it to having a grandchild. Others speculated that maybe it was because the pressure to win a third consecutive national championship was gone. Still others thought he was happy with the team, that the players had bought in, or perhaps he was happy with his new offensive coordinator.
Last Saturday, all that changed, Bama played Florida. First, the media scrutiny increased. Bama went from being overrated (perhaps) to being a definite national contender. Questions about Lane Kiffin increased, as well as Saban's relationship with him. Bama was putting up gaudy numbers on offense, and people were starting to notice. While Saban has no love affair with the media, he had to see this coming. So I give it a 10% on the contributory causation scale for Saban's apparent anger. Second, Bama played sloppy against Florida. Turnovers and penalties were rampant. This is not how his teams play. I give this a 35% on the contributory causation scale. Third, Saban uses press conferences to sent a message to his players. He's not happy about how the team executed the game plan. The Drake fumbled then disappeared for a good part of the game, Sims fumbled, penalties were rampant, etc. Saban wants the players to know he hasn't forgotten about that. Another 45%. And maybe there is a fourth reason that Saban appears angry. It has to do with the playbook. Bama has been playing offense close to the vest, barely cracking the first few pages of the playbook. Because Bama played sloppy, and Florida kept the game close, Bama had to open up that playbook, more than Saban wanted. What might have been a well-kept secret, ready to spring in a more important game, is now out in the open, at least in part. Title: Re: Saban "Angry" Post by: SUPERCOACH on September 26, 2014, 11:24:58 PM There have been all sorts of articles this week talking about Saban going off on the press. And if you read the transcript of the press conference it sounds like one of the usual confrontations with the press that we have all seen so many times in prior years. But I watched that press conference, and I really don't think he was all that mad. Sure, he was annoyed with them, but he remained calm and even made a joke or two.
Title: Re: Saban "Angry" Post by: Chechem on September 27, 2014, 05:20:54 AM Lots of SEC fatigue out there.
Teams can't beat Alabama, so haters try to undermine the system. :yawn: Title: Re: Saban "Angry" Post by: 2Stater on September 27, 2014, 06:30:41 AM I like your analogy, CP. Personally, I'm glad to see him get fired up again. Last year, he was not and neither was the team at the end of the year.
They both were Saturday. Let's hope it carries on throughout the rest of the season. Title: Re: Saban "Angry" Post by: Jamos on September 27, 2014, 06:54:39 AM Well, Bama got themselves a QB and now the media writes about Saban and his temper. It's a good thing Bama has a football team because these media quacks wouldn't have a thing to write about otherwise. ???
Title: Re: Saban "Angry" Post by: bama57 on September 27, 2014, 07:08:04 AM I'm glad he is back to his old self! I was beginning to worry about him!
Title: Re: Saban "Angry" Post by: Catch Prothro on September 27, 2014, 07:42:09 AM There have been all sorts of articles this week talking about Saban going off on the press. And if you read the transcript of the press conference it sounds like one of the usual confrontations with the press that we have all seen so many times in prior years. But I watched that press conference, and I really don't think he was all that mad. Sure, he was annoyed with them, but he remained calm and even made a joke or two. I agree, which is why I put "angry" in quotes. He was more annoyed than angry.Title: Re: Saban "Angry" Post by: ALTideUp on September 27, 2014, 09:03:48 AM Just wait tip Monday when all 7 SEC West teams are ranked in the top 25. Then you'll see a poop-storm of epic proportions.
Title: Re: Saban "Angry" Post by: ricky023 on September 27, 2014, 01:01:47 PM Well if he don't get downright mad then Mrs. Terrie might say where is my husband not this fake. lol, RTR!