Crimson Red Sports

Around Campus => The Quad => Topic started by: hscoach on October 05, 2014, 06:04:05 PM

Title: Blaming players.
Post by: hscoach on October 05, 2014, 06:04:05 PM
Before everyone goes off blaming certain players for this loss, remember there were plenty of mistakes by each side of the ball.  One player did not lose this game for Bama.  It was a team effort with plenty mistakes that if corrected could have turned this game around for Bama.  So players played better than other, but many made mistake and, as I said in my notes, these mistakes were magnified because of the time in which they were made.  

edit: spelling corrected

Title: Re: Blaminmg players.
Post by: Marshal Dillon on October 05, 2014, 06:10:22 PM
Before everyone goes off blaming certain players for this loss, remember there were plenty of mistakes by each side of the ball.  One player did not lose this game for Bama.  It was a team effort with plenty mistakes that if corrected could have turned this game around for Bama.  So players played better than other, but many made mistake and, as I said in my notes, these mistakes were magnified because of the time in which they were made. 

I agree as a general principal, but one player in particular was awful and made several key mistakes and I'm talking about Howard. Anyone can make a mistake, but he made more than one & they were all key and he seems somewhat passive on offense. Do you think he was too passive or is it just me? Maybe this was a huge learning experience and he will play much better. Thanks.


Title: Re: Blaminmg players.
Post by: Chechem on October 05, 2014, 06:14:42 PM
Before everyone goes off blaming certain players for this loss, remember there were plenty of mistakes by each side of the ball.  One player did not lose this game for Bama.  It was a team effort with plenty mistakes that if corrected could have turned this game around for Bama.  So players played better than other, but many made mistake and, as I said in my notes, these mistakes were magnified because of the time in which they were made. 

Thank you, hscoach.  There are other forums (forae?) full of attack threads blaming players.  Please excuse those who don't GET IT.

Title: Re: Blaminmg players.
Post by: bama57 on October 05, 2014, 06:18:09 PM
Before everyone goes off blaming certain players for this loss, remember there were plenty of mistakes by each side of the ball.  One player did not lose this game for Bama.  It was a team effort with plenty mistakes that if corrected could have turned this game around for Bama.  So players played better than other, but many made mistake and, as I said in my notes, these mistakes were magnified because of the time in which they were made. 

I agree as a general principal, but one player in particular was awful and made several key mistakes and I'm talking about Howard. Anyone can make a mistake, but he made more than one & they were all key and he seems somewhat passive on offense. Do you think he was too passive or is it just me? Maybe this was a huge learning experience and he will play much better. Thanks.



Title: Re: Blaminmg players.
Post by: Marshal Dillon on October 05, 2014, 06:19:40 PM
Before everyone goes off blaming certain players for this loss, remember there were plenty of mistakes by each side of the ball.  One player did not lose this game for Bama.  It was a team effort with plenty mistakes that if corrected could have turned this game around for Bama.  So players played better than other, but many made mistake and, as I said in my notes, these mistakes were magnified because of the time in which they were made. 

Thank you, hscoach.  There are other forums (forae?) full of attack threads blaming players.  Please excuse those who don't GET IT.

Personally, I don't look at other forums since they are way too-over-the-top and sometimes outright vile. However, pointing out the obvious is not a bad thing, is it? One player may not lose a game, but one player can sure contribute a lot more than the others.

 :deadhorse: :deadhorse:

Title: Re: Blaminmg players.
Post by: N.AL-Tider on October 05, 2014, 06:55:36 PM
I had a discussion earlier today on a private Gators board with a guy that blames Kiffin for this loss.  I believe it was a team loss personally.  This particular butt-head actually stated that OM had more reason to have lost "focus" because of the uncalled face mask penalty that we got a TD from than Bama did after KD's injury... Still haven't figured out how a non-call like that could be more devastating to a team than a catastrophic injury like KD had...  Jealousy is an ugly thing...

Title: Re: Blaminmg players.
Post by: Chechem on October 05, 2014, 07:14:12 PM
I had a discussion earlier today on a private Gators board with a guy that blames Kiffin for this loss.  I believe it was a team loss personally.  This particular butt-head actually stated that OM had more reason to have lost "focus" because of the uncalled face mask penalty that we got a TD from than Bama did after KD's injury... Still haven't figured out how a non-call like that could be more devastating to a team than a catastrophic injury like KD had...  Jealousy is an ugly thing...

I read other threads too, but avoid the vulgar and attack posts.
There's good stuff today on one forum; a thread about the Alabama locker-room discussion after the loss yesterday (who said what, who took credit, etc).

The link?  Don't think we're allowed to link other sites, but you can prolly search and find it on your own.


Title: Re: Blaminmg players.
Post by: N.AL-Tider on October 05, 2014, 07:34:23 PM
I had a discussion earlier today on a private Gators board with a guy that blames Kiffin for this loss.  I believe it was a team loss personally.  This particular butt-head actually stated that OM had more reason to have lost "focus" because of the uncalled face mask penalty that we got a TD from than Bama did after KD's injury... Still haven't figured out how a non-call like that could be more devastating to a team than a catastrophic injury like KD had...  Jealousy is an ugly thing...

I read other threads too, but avoid the vulgar and attack posts.
There's good stuff today on one forum; a thread about the Alabama locker-room discussion after the loss yesterday (who said what, who took credit, etc).

The link?  Don't think we're allowed to link other sites, but you can prolly search and find it on your own.

Not sure it would do any good to link that site anyways.  It is a private and closed board.  Membership required to view the content.  I will post some of his comments though as a quote in this thread...

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 05, 2014, 07:48:19 PM
I had a discussion earlier today on a private Gators board with a guy that blames Kiffin for this loss.  I believe it was a team loss personally.  This particular butt-head actually stated that OM had more reason to have lost "focus" because of the uncalled face mask penalty that we got a TD from than Bama did after KD's injury... Still haven't figured out how a non-call like that could be more devastating to a team than a catastrophic injury like KD had...  Jealousy is an ugly thing...

I read other threads too, but avoid the vulgar and attack posts.
There's good stuff today on one forum; a thread about the Alabama locker-room discussion after the loss yesterday (who said what, who took credit, etc).

The link?  Don't think we're allowed to link other sites, but you can prolly search and find it on your own.


Of course you can link other sites.  If it has bad language though, be sure to include a language warning.

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: Chechem on October 05, 2014, 07:50:34 PM

Of course you can link other sites.  If it has bad language though, be sure to include a language warning.


Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: McBaman on October 05, 2014, 08:03:46 PM
Well that was an interesting read.  VERY glad to see TJY being a leader.  (Actually being a leader involves more than sounding off in the locker room, but it's a start.)  This team need leaders.

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: N.AL-Tider on October 05, 2014, 08:06:52 PM
Quote from: Him
Quote from: Me
Quote from: Him
Quote from: Me
Quote from: Him
Bammma..... well, the bubble has burst & Kiffin successfully begins to deteriorate a once mighty program.
"...glorious win over the inbreds, especially in their own stadium."  I thought Awbren won big over the corndogs... :scratching:

"Bammma..... well, the bubble has burst & Kiffin successfully begins to deteriorate a once mighty program."  Do you seriously put this loss on Kiffin?  There was nothing about his play calling that contributed to Bama's loss yesterday IMO.  Also, can you point to ANY example where Kiffin deteriorated a program while working as a coordinator?  Head coach? Yes.  But not as a coordinator.  Execution, penalties and ball security by our players on the other hand...DID.  The horrible injury to Drake also possibly had a huge impact on our players being able to focus on the task at hand and contributed to the loss.  Just a couple of my thoughts anyways...

Sensitive much? Get back to me when the sting fades. Bama was extremely lucky to have stayed within double digits. In fact, if not for blatant ref incompetency, that's exactly what it would have been.

BTW, everywhere Kiffin has gone rotted from within, everywhere. It doesn't matter if he's a coordinator or HC, he's poison. Believe what you wish.

For the most part our defense played well against OM.  Our offense played decent but penalties and poor execution played a huge part in our struggles.  I will give you the fact that there was one blown call (facemask against Bama) that wasn't called.  Other than that, nope.  OM is a good team regardless of what you think of Bama and they wanted the win.  Was Kiffin responsible for the interception that ended Bama's chances?  Nope.  Was Kiffin responsible for O.J. Howard dropping a couple fairly easy passes that would have resulted in either a 1st down or TD?  Nope.  Was Kiffin responsible for Drake's injury?  Nope.  So, please tell me how he has began deteriorating Bama thus far?  I'll hang up and listen...

1. Exactly, your offense played "decent". That's great for 99% of teams, but not for title contenders or what Bama had immediately prior to Kiffin. Bama was an ice cold killer with clutch offensive execution before him. So again, who is directly responsible for the execution of the offense?

2. You'll "give me one blown call"? da#@ right you will, especially since that one effed-up blown call is directly responsible for 7 Bama points they didn't deserve or earn. They were given to them compliments of the referee.

3. Was Kiffin responsible for the play call that led to the interception? Why yes, he was. Could he have chosen to not throw caution into the breeze, with plenty of time left, and dial up a deep pass with greater inherent risks? Yes, he could...but he did. A little panic-ish actually. So again, who's responsible for the play call?

4. Drake's injury was unfortunate. I feel for the kid & hope he can heal completely. However, he was not a reason for poor play or lack of focus. Those are simply excuses. Do you think Ole Miss might have lost a little "focus" after getting raped by the Bama defender AND the refs for a complete BS touchdown right before half? I'd say they have a better case for focus issues.

That was a game Bama would have won in the pre-Kiffin era.

Your turn.

And the final installment...

Quote from: Him
Quote from: Me
Ok, let me preface any further comments to say that I AM NOT trying to defend why Bama lost.  We lost and that is that.  I have never been one to say, "if X didn't happen (or did) then..." and I won't start now.

1.  You are absolutely correct.  99% of the time yesterday's Bama offense wins and against a really good team it doesn't.  I propose that OM is really good this year. 

2.  There is no explanation as to why the refs blew that call.  Neither you or myself can come up with a good reason so let's just agree that it was blown and let it go.  And please don't say that Bama paid off the refs or anything else absurd like that...

3.  Yeah, Kiffin called the play but come on, he didn't play it.  Sims has done pretty well this year but he is totally inexperienced in BIG games and it showed by making some bad decisions.  He threw one pass that hit the LB in the chest that he fortunately dropped.  Another was trying to force the pass to OJH that resulted in an interception.  The DB was the best one they have and OJH didn't see him coming for the ball.  The DB went up and took it away from him.  Game over.  None of that is Kiffin's fault and to suggest so is ridiculous.

4.  Really?  OM had a better case for a "lack of focus" because of an uncalled facemask that resulted in a turnover and TD?  Really?  You can't be serious in saying that a blown call could ever be more impactful than a season ending, and possibly career ending catastrophic injury that KD suffered.  That is foolish talk.

I realize that you hate Bama and that's fine.  I also understand that you totally dislike Kiffin and I'm ok with that.  However, I feel that your hatred for both is causing you to come across as having a very bad case of jealousy of Bama and you are exhibiting it by attacking Kiffin.  Considering who the Gator's head coach is and the feelings the Gator nation has for him tends to support my theory of jealousy.  BTW, you still haven't shown how Kiffin has deteriorated ANY team he was a part of.  I'll help you with that though.   If I'm not mistaken, he was somewhat implicated, more or less, in the violations at USCw that resulted in their vacating an entire season's wins when he was the OC there.

I don't hate Bama Nalt. My father actually came within a razors edge of taking a job offer there back in the early 70's as a professor to help them with science/med degree programs. He played football for The Bear at Vandy & remained a friend until his death. Hell I even remember riding around with my parents looking for houses to buy in Tuscaloosa. Thankfully he chose to stay pat with his private practice in Florida because I was a golf/surf/fishing bum & would have probably shriveled up & died being so far away from the beach and salt water. However, we regularly attended games at Florida AND guests of guess who. Watching Bama highlights & him selling Golden Flake Potato Chips was a regular thing in my home.

I certainly don't have any jealousy of Alabama. To the contrary, I have embarassment issues with my beloved Gators and a brand new, but strangely satisfying, feeling of joy for the success of Mississippi State. That's easily explained however. What I do have is a lack of sympathy for a very large percentage of Bama fans that have either become complacent & entitled or simply are too young to know about the social skill called humility. For them success is always attributed to superior players, coaches, blah blah blah, but a loss is the fault of something else... it couldn't be the obvious. I personally admire the professionalism of Nick Saban, but I also wouldn't ever want him as a coach. I don't trust him. That's just me but others would be quick to sell their soul for wins at any cost.

Jealous? No, but strangely satisfied. Go ahead & keep making excuses for Kiffin. The rest of the SEC secretly prays Saban does the same & keeps him around for a long time.

BTW, you can look up Kiffins trail of tears yourself, it's all easily searchable on the interwebs. Unless you turn a blind eye, it's plain to see.

Peace bro.

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 05, 2014, 08:12:15 PM

Of course you can link other sites.  If it has bad language though, be sure to include a language warning.


Some good stuff in the OP.  How credible is that guy though?  Does he really know Sims well enough to have that kind of discussion?  :dunno:

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: Marshal Dillon on October 05, 2014, 08:13:49 PM
Quote from: Him
Quote from: Me
Quote from: Him
Quote from: Me
Quote from: Him
Bammma..... well, the bubble has burst & Kiffin successfully begins to deteriorate a once mighty program.
"...glorious win over the inbreds, especially in their own stadium."  I thought Awbren won big over the corndogs... :scratching:

"Bammma..... well, the bubble has burst & Kiffin successfully begins to deteriorate a once mighty program."  Do you seriously put this loss on Kiffin?  There was nothing about his play calling that contributed to Bama's loss yesterday IMO.  Also, can you point to ANY example where Kiffin deteriorated a program while working as a coordinator?  Head coach? Yes.  But not as a coordinator.  Execution, penalties and ball security by our players on the other hand...DID.  The horrible injury to Drake also possibly had a huge impact on our players being able to focus on the task at hand and contributed to the loss.  Just a couple of my thoughts anyways...

Sensitive much? Get back to me when the sting fades. Bama was extremely lucky to have stayed within double digits. In fact, if not for blatant ref incompetency, that's exactly what it would have been.

BTW, everywhere Kiffin has gone rotted from within, everywhere. It doesn't matter if he's a coordinator or HC, he's poison. Believe what you wish.

For the most part our defense played well against OM.  Our offense played decent but penalties and poor execution played a huge part in our struggles.  I will give you the fact that there was one blown call (facemask against Bama) that wasn't called.  Other than that, nope.  OM is a good team regardless of what you think of Bama and they wanted the win.  Was Kiffin responsible for the interception that ended Bama's chances?  Nope.  Was Kiffin responsible for O.J. Howard dropping a couple fairly easy passes that would have resulted in either a 1st down or TD?  Nope.  Was Kiffin responsible for Drake's injury?  Nope.  So, please tell me how he has began deteriorating Bama thus far?  I'll hang up and listen...

1. Exactly, your offense played "decent". That's great for 99% of teams, but not for title contenders or what Bama had immediately prior to Kiffin. Bama was an ice cold killer with clutch offensive execution before him. So again, who is directly responsible for the execution of the offense?

2. You'll "give me one blown call"? da#@ right you will, especially since that one effed-up blown call is directly responsible for 7 Bama points they didn't deserve or earn. They were given to them compliments of the referee.

3. Was Kiffin responsible for the play call that led to the interception? Why yes, he was. Could he have chosen to not throw caution into the breeze, with plenty of time left, and dial up a deep pass with greater inherent risks? Yes, he could...but he did. A little panic-ish actually. So again, who's responsible for the play call?

4. Drake's injury was unfortunate. I feel for the kid & hope he can heal completely. However, he was not a reason for poor play or lack of focus. Those are simply excuses. Do you think Ole Miss might have lost a little "focus" after getting raped by the Bama defender AND the refs for a complete BS touchdown right before half? I'd say they have a better case for focus issues.

That was a game Bama would have won in the pre-Kiffin era.

Your turn.

And the final installment...

Quote from: Him
Quote from: Me
Ok, let me preface any further comments to say that I AM NOT trying to defend why Bama lost.  We lost and that is that.  I have never been one to say, "if X didn't happen (or did) then..." and I won't start now.

1.  You are absolutely correct.  99% of the time yesterday's Bama offense wins and against a really good team it doesn't.  I propose that OM is really good this year. 

2.  There is no explanation as to why the refs blew that call.  Neither you or myself can come up with a good reason so let's just agree that it was blown and let it go.  And please don't say that Bama paid off the refs or anything else absurd like that...

3.  Yeah, Kiffin called the play but come on, he didn't play it.  Sims has done pretty well this year but he is totally inexperienced in BIG games and it showed by making some bad decisions.  He threw one pass that hit the LB in the chest that he fortunately dropped.  Another was trying to force the pass to OJH that resulted in an interception.  The DB was the best one they have and OJH didn't see him coming for the ball.  The DB went up and took it away from him.  Game over.  None of that is Kiffin's fault and to suggest so is ridiculous.

4.  Really?  OM had a better case for a "lack of focus" because of an uncalled facemask that resulted in a turnover and TD?  Really?  You can't be serious in saying that a blown call could ever be more impactful than a season ending, and possibly career ending catastrophic injury that KD suffered.  That is foolish talk.

I realize that you hate Bama and that's fine.  I also understand that you totally dislike Kiffin and I'm ok with that.  However, I feel that your hatred for both is causing you to come across as having a very bad case of jealousy of Bama and you are exhibiting it by attacking Kiffin.  Considering who the Gator's head coach is and the feelings the Gator nation has for him tends to support my theory of jealousy.  BTW, you still haven't shown how Kiffin has deteriorated ANY team he was a part of.  I'll help you with that though.   If I'm not mistaken, he was somewhat implicated, more or less, in the violations at USCw that resulted in their vacating an entire season's wins when he was the OC there.

I don't hate Bama Nalt. My father actually came within a razors edge of taking a job offer there back in the early 70's as a professor to help them with science/med degree programs. He played football for The Bear at Vandy & remained a friend until his death. Hell I even remember riding around with my parents looking for houses to buy in Tuscaloosa. Thankfully he chose to stay pat with his private practice in Florida because I was a golf/surf/fishing bum & would have probably shriveled up & died being so far away from the beach and salt water. However, we regularly attended games at Florida AND guests of guess who. Watching Bama highlights & him selling Golden Flake Potato Chips was a regular thing in my home.

I certainly don't have any jealousy of Alabama. To the contrary, I have embarassment issues with my beloved Gators and a brand new, but strangely satisfying, feeling of joy for the success of Mississippi State. That's easily explained however. What I do have is a lack of sympathy for a very large percentage of Bama fans that have either become complacent & entitled or simply are too young to know about the social skill called humility. For them success is always attributed to superior players, coaches, blah blah blah, but a loss is the fault of something else... it couldn't be the obvious. I personally admire the professionalism of Nick Saban, but I also wouldn't ever want him as a coach. I don't trust him. That's just me but others would be quick to sell their soul for wins at any cost.

Jealous? No, but strangely satisfied. Go ahead & keep making excuses for Kiffin. The rest of the SEC secretly prays Saban does the same & keeps him around for a long time.

BTW, you can look up Kiffins trail of tears yourself, it's all easily searchable on the interwebs. Unless you turn a blind eye, it's plain to see.

Peace bro.

Strange & a little bizarre from other site. I'll stick to reading posts by hscoach, chechem, pull, SUPERCOACH, & the other good posters on this forum.


 :dog: :dog: :dog:

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: N.AL-Tider on October 05, 2014, 08:14:48 PM

Of course you can link other sites.  If it has bad language though, be sure to include a language warning.


Some good stuff in the OP.  How credible is that guy though?  Does he really know Sims well enough to have that kind of discussion?  :dunno:
I read about half the OP and thought the same thing.

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: N.AL-Tider on October 05, 2014, 08:17:36 PM
Strange & a little bizarre from other site. I'll stick to reading posts by hscoach, chechem, pull, SUPERCOACH, & the other good posters on this forum.
That guy is really pretty decent as are basically all of the posters over there.  Like I said, it is private and closed to the public.  There are a bunch of Gators fans, one Corndog and an aTm fan besides myself...

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: Marshal Dillon on October 05, 2014, 08:20:04 PM
Strange & a little bizarre from other site. I'll stick to reading posts by hscoach, chechem, pull, SUPERCOACH, & the other good posters on this forum.
That guy is really pretty decent as are basically all of the posters over there.  Like I said, it is private and closed to the public.  There are a bunch of Gators fans, one Corndog and an aTm fan besides myself...

Thanks for the clarification. I did notice they weren't cursing & other such nonsense.

 :clap: :clap: :clap:

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: 2Stater on October 05, 2014, 08:20:31 PM

Of course you can link other sites.  If it has bad language though, be sure to include a language warning.


Some good stuff in the OP.  How credible is that guy though?  Does he really know Sims well enough to have that kind of discussion?  :dunno:
I read about half the OP and thought the same thing.

I follow Woolly a good bit. He is legit.

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 05, 2014, 08:26:51 PM

Of course you can link other sites.  If it has bad language though, be sure to include a language warning.


Some good stuff in the OP.  How credible is that guy though?  Does he really know Sims well enough to have that kind of discussion? :dunno:
I read about half the OP and thought the same thing.

I follow Woolly a good bit. He is legit.

Interesting.  If true, we shall indeed win the national championship this year, with several 98 to nothing beatdowns along the way.

Ole Miss is a pretty good team.  I don't think they are the best in the West, but they are better than the #6 or #7 I was suggesting before the game.  Ole Miss of old would have crumbled and lost by 20+ after that facemask fumble TD.  Instead, they never quit fighting and remained poised.

We just had way too much adversity to overcome this time.  It happens every couple of years.

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: Chechem on October 05, 2014, 08:37:15 PM

Of course you can link other sites.  If it has bad language though, be sure to include a language warning.


Some good stuff in the OP.  How credible is that guy though?  Does he really know Sims well enough to have that kind of discussion?  :dunno:
I read about half the OP and thought the same thing.

It passed the sniff test.   :unsure:

Title: Re: Blaming players.
Post by: Catch Prothro on October 08, 2014, 11:33:11 PM
Interesting read. 

The Ole Miss fan's suggestion that Kiffin is a jinx is downright silly and reminds me of an Andy Griffith episode.

Ole Miss scored two TDs by putting their most talented receiver against Bama's true freshman CB.  Can't put those on Kiffin.

Ultimately, this game was not meant to be for Alabama. 

The ball just didn't bounce right.