Title: Reese Phifer Hall memories from the 1960s Post by: Chechem on October 08, 2014, 05:51:56 AM (http://tour.ua.edu/images/tourfronts/front_reese.jpg)
A while back SC renamed the old WALL-E forum, Reese Phifer Hall. Lots of memories of that building. When I was an Alabama student it was the Student Union, the student post office, and the central dining area. I usually started my morning by eating breakfast there. They offered a $1 breakfast special: 1 egg, 1 home-made doughnut, and a glass of milk. Loved those cake doughnuts. In 1970, following the deaths of Kent State students, it was the gathering pacle for students to protest, and a riot broke out there. I was sitting atop the steps with a girlfriend watching. We'd just left a math study session at her sorority house next door. While we watched, the Tuscaloosa Police attacked, beat, and arrested students. It was the ugliest scene I've ever seen on a college campus. That old building holds many memories for us old guys. Miss those hot doughnuts! Quote Reese Phifer Hall, built in 1929 and first occupied in 1930, is the home of the College of Communication and Information Sciences. The building includes the Center for Public Television and Radio and the studios of Alabama Public Radio, WVUA 90.7 radio, and WVUA 7 television. Title: Re: Reese Phifer Hall memories from the 1960s Post by: 2Stater on October 08, 2014, 06:08:02 AM (http://tour.ua.edu/images/tourfronts/front_reese.jpg) A while back SC renamed the old WALL-E forum, Reese Phifer Hall. Lots of memories of that building. When I was an Alabama student it was the Student Union, the student post office, and the central dining area. I usually started my morning by eating breakfast there. They offered a $1 breakfast special: 1 egg, 1 home-made doughnut, and a glass of milk. Loved those cake doughnuts. In 1970, following the deaths of Kent State students, it was the gathering pacle for students to protest, and a riot broke out there. I was sitting atop the steps with a girlfriend watching. We'd just left a math study session at her sorority house next door. While we watched, the Tuscaloosa Police attacked, beat, and arrested students. It was the ugliest scene I've ever seen on a college campus. That old building holds many memories for us old guys. Miss those hot doughnuts! Quote Reese Phifer Hall, built in 1929 and first occupied in 1930, is the home of the College of Communication and Information Sciences. The building includes the Center for Public Television and Radio and the studios of Alabama Public Radio, WVUA 90.7 radio, and WVUA 7 television. Those were tumultuous times. Lots of protests, lots of beatings back then. The Vietnam war was the cause of many of the protests. Glad they finally brought the troops home. Disappointed the way they were received. Title: Re: Reese Phifer Hall memories from the 1960s Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 08, 2014, 11:31:33 AM In my day it was the home of the Crimson White and the Department of Journalism, if I remember correctly. That is why I decided to use it for the news board. That is also why Scarbinksy should be banned... he is NOT a journalist.
:lol: Title: Re: Reese Phifer Hall memories from the 1960s Post by: Old Tider on October 08, 2014, 01:29:07 PM In my day it was the home of the Crimson White and the Department of Journalism, if I remember correctly. That is why I decided to use it for the news board. That is also why Scarbinksy should be banned... he is NOT a journalist. :lol: When I was a student, I was a reporter for the CW in the building but the journalism department was in Woods Hall. Each morning I'd head for the powder doughnuts in the bookstore, walk a few steps to check my mail and a few more for a morning coffee. Several times saw Coach Bryant getting his coffee. The simple life, where have you gone? :dunno: Title: Re: Reese Phifer Hall memories from the 1960s Post by: ricky023 on October 08, 2014, 01:31:31 PM In my day it was the home of the Crimson White and the Department of Journalism, if I remember correctly. That is why I decided to use it for the news board. That is also why Scarbinksy should be banned... he is NOT a journalist. :lol: I agree with you! :clap: RTR! Title: Re: Reese Phifer Hall memories from the 1960s Post by: Hannibal Lecter, MD on October 09, 2014, 11:43:15 AM I had Motion Picture History and Criticism in Reese Phifer circa 2000. I enjoyed that class, but I remember a lot of the other students being angry that the professor made the tests fairly robust. Not sure how you can beat a 50-minute lecture on Monday and a 2-hour film on Wednesday for 3 hours of college credit.
Title: Re: Reese Phifer Hall memories from the 1960s Post by: Chechem on October 09, 2014, 01:14:47 PM BTW, I have photos taken during the takeover of the Union during May 1970 (part of Kent State demonstrations). Students had a demonstration, complete with candles held at the President's Mansion, then we walked to the Union for snacks.
The national news had been full of takeovers by students, so when we all walked into the building the staff all left (thinking it was a takeover). Then it was! My photos show students serving their own ice cream and burgers. Many students stayed the night in the building to demand women's rights (I went home to sleep). By 5AM the students all went home; at 6AM the state police stormed the building (but nobody with long hair was there!). :dunno: I've always wondered if the CW wanted those old pics. Crazy times. BTW, the women got the right to stay out without curfews after that! Wooot. :unsure: |