Title: Bravo Smiley Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 09, 2014, 02:22:29 PM Alright, it is time to replace the Bravo smiley with something that doesn't look so goofy. The big eyes are the problem in my opinion. What say ye?
#+ Does anyone have any candidates for a better clapping smiley, similar in size to the others. I like this one, but it is too small to fit in with the others. :clap: I wanted to make a custom Alabama themed set, but all these years later I still have not found the time. Title: Re: Bravo Smiley Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 09, 2014, 02:24:15 PM This one is a big improvement, in my opinion.
(http://cogunforum.com/images/smilies/1st/clap.gif) Any others? Title: Re: Bravo Smiley Post by: ricky023 on October 09, 2014, 02:33:09 PM Hey Sc let me make one thing Perfectly Clear. If it makes you happy, I am the most giddiest thang you ever seen. :crazy:, RTR!