Title: "Live updates from Nick Saban's radio show entering the Texas A&M game" Post by: WALL-E on October 16, 2014, 06:48:02 PM Live updates from Nick Saban's radio show entering the Texas A&M game
Title: Re: "Live updates from Nick Saban's radio show entering the Texas A&M game" Post by: Chechem on October 16, 2014, 08:21:50 PM Quote -- On JK Scott: He's an "unsung hero on our team." His first punt went 60-plus against West Virginia. His ability to change field position against Arkansas was huge. -- Peewee from Grand Bay enjoyed "a wonderful day outside." Peewee liked the sideline response to mistakes last week. He wants to know that carried over to this week. Saban said this is why he got upset in Monday's news conference. He saw "more togetherness" and "fighting through tremendous adversity." Then to "come home to nothing but a bunch of negatives upset me." Okay you negative Nellies, you heard Coach Saban. Expect Peewee to drive that home! :tinfoil: Title: Re: "Live updates from Nick Saban's radio show entering the Texas A&M game" Post by: 2Stater on October 16, 2014, 08:25:31 PM We're behind you, Peewee. Expect an Aggie azz whoopin' Saturday. :jump:
Title: Re: "Live updates from Nick Saban's radio show entering the Texas A&M game" Post by: Peewee from Grand Bay on October 16, 2014, 11:57:43 PM We're behind you, Peewee. Expect an Aggie azz whoopin' Saturday. :jump: #+ #+ #+ Title: Re: "Live updates from Nick Saban's radio show entering the Texas A&M game" Post by: bama57 on October 17, 2014, 08:29:14 AM We're behind you, Peewee. Expect an Aggie azz whoopin' Saturday. :jump: #+for Peewee:lol: at 2 Hey 2! 41-15 Bama is an ass whoopin! 34-27 Bama is a pat on the rump! Title: Re: "Live updates from Nick Saban's radio show entering the Texas A&M game" Post by: 2Stater on October 17, 2014, 08:57:59 AM We're behind you, Peewee. Expect an Aggie azz whoopin' Saturday. :jump: #+for Peewee:lol: at 2 Hey 2! 41-15 Bama is an ass whoopin! 34-27 Bama is a pat on the rump! Not when the last 14 points come at garbage time! :lol2: FWIW, I'd love for you to win the score picking contest, yet again this week! Title: Re: "Live updates from Nick Saban's radio show entering the Texas A&M game" Post by: bama57 on October 17, 2014, 09:09:02 AM We're behind you, Peewee. Expect an Aggie azz whoopin' Saturday. :jump: #+for Peewee:lol: at 2 Hey 2! 41-15 Bama is an ass whoopin! 34-27 Bama is a pat on the rump! Not when the last 14 points come at garbage time! :lol2: FWIW, I'd love for you to win the score picking contest, yet again this week! Title: Re: "Live updates from Nick Saban's radio show entering the Texas A&M game" Post by: SUPERCOACH on October 17, 2014, 10:55:25 AM We're behind you, Peewee. Expect an Aggie azz whoopin' Saturday. :jump: #+for Peewee:lol: at 2 Hey 2! 41-15 Bama is an ass whoopin! 34-27 Bama is a pat on the rump! Not when the last 14 points come at garbage time! :lol2: FWIW, I'd love for you to win the score picking contest, yet again this week! I would prefer that I win it. :dunno: Title: Re: "Live updates from Nick Saban's radio show entering the Texas A&M game" Post by: 2Stater on October 17, 2014, 02:56:20 PM Me too, SC, and you're due!