Title: "Nick Saban wants to see a 're-centered' Blake Sims when Alabama hosts Texas A&M" Post by: WALL-E on October 16, 2014, 09:34:02 PM Nick Saban wants to see a 're-centered' Blake Sims when Alabama hosts Texas A&M
Title: Re: "Nick Saban wants to see a 're-centered' Blake Sims when Alabama hosts Texas A&M" Post by: Chechem on October 17, 2014, 05:24:33 AM Quote "I think that's the one thing that we have always had at the quarterback position here in all the years we've been here regardless of who's been the quarterback is they've always done a really good job of taking care of the ball," Saban said. "We've not thrown a lot of interceptions, we've not turned the ball over a lot from the quarterback position. I think that's really, really important and it will be important for us because eventually those things are going to get you and the turnovers will get you as well." ... A trip back to stadium where he broke a slew of program records could be just what Sims needs to get "re-centered," Saban said. "He needs to do to take what the defense gives, read his reads, make the throws," Saban said. "Don't worry about making too many big plays and have a little more patience as a player and I think he'll be right back to where he was." Now that we know what he needs to do, let's see him DO IT! :popcorn2: |