Title: Ohio State Records Show Pattern of Malfeasance by Tressel Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 15, 2011, 10:17:36 AM And they said they weren't aware of his dishonesty?! :o
-- An evaluation of former Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel's job performance in 2005-06 rated him as "unacceptable" when it came to self-reporting rules violations in a timely manner. In addition, Tressel was issued a letter of reprimand barely six months into his tenure for giving a Buckeyes jersey to a recruit in violation of NCAA bylaws. He was also warned that he and his staff needed to do a better job of monitoring the cars the Buckeyes players were driving -- an issue that would arise years later as the NCAA investigated the football program. http://www.cbssports.com/#!/collegefootball/story/15321890/osu-records-show-tressel-unacceptable-in-reporting-violations |