Title: "Four Downs: How sacks are helping Alabama more than ever under Nick Saban" Post by: WALL-E on October 20, 2014, 04:17:02 AM Four Downs: How sacks are helping Alabama more than ever under Nick Saban
Title: Re: "Four Downs: How sacks are helping Alabama more than ever under Nick Saban" Post by: Chechem on October 20, 2014, 05:29:46 AM Quote Lost amid the eye-popping numbers Saturday -- and there were a bunch of them -- was a milestone for the Nick Saban era. What makes it so impressive is how unimpressive it actually seems for a defensive-minded program that's won three national championships since 2009. Alabama finished with six sacks against Texas A&M. That's never happened since Saban arrived in 2007.... The defense has played winning football for the past 2 games. It's a nice, championship-esque trend. (http://img.bleacherreport.net/img/images/photos/003/113/700/62b19ffc09aa0142834aa3825c81a4f3_crop_north.jpg?w=610&h=410&q=75) |