Title: "Alabama LT Cam Robinson not ruled out for LSU less than 2 weeks after high-ankle sprain" Post by: WALL-E on November 03, 2014, 12:22:02 PM Alabama LT Cam Robinson not ruled out for LSU less than 2 weeks after high-ankle sprain
Title: Re: "Alabama LT Cam Robinson not ruled out for LSU less than 2 weeks after high-ankle sprain" Post by: Chechem on November 03, 2014, 12:42:25 PM Quote Coach Nick Saban said Cam Robinson has not been ruled out of the 7 p.m. trip to his home state. The freshman went down on the first series of the Tennessee game Oct. 25 and didn't practice last week. "We'll have to see how he progresses this week ... "He's done well at that and we'll have to see how he moves around today, not really in practice, but just on the side" Saban said. "If he continues to make progress, he could be a guy who is available for the game." Prolly travel, but won't play unless someone else is injured (or LSU scores! :lol2: ). Title: Re: "Alabama LT Cam Robinson not ruled out for LSU less than 2 weeks after high-ankle sprain" Post by: 2Stater on November 03, 2014, 12:46:25 PM I would be very surprised to see him play, unless the O line gets pushed around badly, and even then, chances would be thin IMO.