Title: "Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start" Post by: WALL-E on November 04, 2014, 09:54:01 AM Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start
Title: Re: "Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start Post by: Chechem on November 04, 2014, 10:45:05 AM "I could have went to Alabama like everybody else did," Fournette told the Baton Rouge Advocate. ""I wanted to be different than everybody."
English major?? :facepalm: Title: Re: "Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start Post by: SUPERCOACH on November 04, 2014, 11:45:36 AM "I could have went to Alabama like everybody else did," Fournette told the Baton Rouge Advocate. ""I wanted to be different than everybody." English major?? :facepalm: Everyone else will have multiple national championship rings. He won't. Mission accomplished Leonard. Title: Re: "Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start Post by: Catch Prothro on November 05, 2014, 07:15:35 AM "I could have went to Alabama like everybody else did," Fournette told the Baton Rouge Advocate. ""I wanted to be different than everybody." But he's a Louisiana native. :-* ???English major?? :facepalm: Title: Re: "Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start Post by: Chechem on November 05, 2014, 08:43:43 AM "I could have went to Alabama like everybody else did," Fournette told the Baton Rouge Advocate. ""I wanted to be different than everybody." But he's a Louisiana native. :-* ???English major?? :facepalm: I grew up in Louisiana. I was educated. :stop: Title: Re: "Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start Post by: Catch Prothro on November 05, 2014, 08:52:07 AM "I could have went to Alabama like everybody else did," Fournette told the Baton Rouge Advocate. ""I wanted to be different than everybody." But he's a Louisiana native. :-* ???English major?? :facepalm: I grew up in Louisiana. I was educated. :stop: Title: Re: "Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start Post by: Chechem on November 05, 2014, 11:24:32 AM "I could have went to Alabama like everybody else did," Fournette told the Baton Rouge Advocate. ""I wanted to be different than everybody." But he's a Louisiana native. :-* ???English major?? :facepalm: :stop: But I wasn't attacking your comment, just saying that being from Louisiana doesn't mean he can't be educated. He wasn't denied an education; just seems he didn't seize the opportunity. :toast4: Title: Re: "Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 06, 2014, 06:03:29 AM "I could have went to Alabama like everybody else did," Fournette told the Baton Rouge Advocate. ""I wanted to be different than everybody." But he's a Louisiana native. :-* ???English major?? :facepalm: :stop: But I wasn't attacking your comment, just saying that being from Louisiana doesn't mean he can't be educated. He wasn't denied an education; just seems he didn't seize the opportunity. :toast4: Title: Re: "Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start Post by: Chechem on November 06, 2014, 06:13:56 AM ... It seems to me like he did get an education. He knows that he could have went to Bama but decided against it. He'll likely get another education this Saturday night... :-X :lol: I'm hoping he meets Professor Reuben Foster. :lol2: Title: Re: "Leonard Fournette, the rare 5-star who got away from Alabama, picking up steam after slow start Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 06, 2014, 06:30:51 AM ... It seems to me like he did get an education. He knows that he could have went to Bama but decided against it. He'll likely get another education this Saturday night... :-X :lol: I'm hoping he meets Professor Reuben Foster. :lol2: |