Title: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: 2Stater on July 19, 2011, 06:57:38 AM http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/ncf/story/_/id/6782286/reggie-bush-family-takes-back-heisman-museum
Quote SAN DIEGO -- Reggie Bush's family has taken back a copy of his 2005 Heisman Trophy from a San Diego sports museum. The San Diego Hall of Champions said it returned the trophy to the family on Friday and declined further comment. I can think of a place where the USC powers that be, would love to put it. Title: Re: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: pmull on July 19, 2011, 08:35:00 AM They need to start a "Heisman Hall of Shame". Reggie Bush and Cam Newton can be charter members.
Title: Re: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: BAMAWV on July 20, 2011, 04:43:41 AM http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/ncf/story/_/id/6782286/reggie-bush-family-takes-back-heisman-museum They got what what they deserved. No blaming the NCAA in my world.Quote SAN DIEGO -- Reggie Bush's family has taken back a copy of his 2005 Heisman Trophy from a San Diego sports museum. The San Diego Hall of Champions said it returned the trophy to the family on Friday and declined further comment. I can think of a place where the USC powers that be, would love to put it. Title: Re: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: Chechem on July 20, 2011, 05:48:46 AM http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/ncf/story/_/id/6782286/reggie-bush-family-takes-back-heisman-museum Quote SAN DIEGO -- Reggie Bush's family has taken back a copy of his 2005 Heisman Trophy from a San Diego sports museum. The San Diego Hall of Champions said it returned the trophy to the family on Friday and declined further comment. I can think of a place where the USC powers that be, would love to put it. Ebay? Title: Re: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: BAMAWV on July 20, 2011, 06:05:08 AM http://espn.go.com/los-angeles/ncf/story/_/id/6782286/reggie-bush-family-takes-back-heisman-museum Quote SAN DIEGO -- Reggie Bush's family has taken back a copy of his 2005 Heisman Trophy from a San Diego sports museum. The San Diego Hall of Champions said it returned the trophy to the family on Friday and declined further comment. I can think of a place where the USC powers that be, would love to put it. Ebay? Title: Re: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: Chechem on July 20, 2011, 06:22:45 AM It's a copy. Anybody could buy one for less than $1000.
http://www.artbronze.com/heismantrophy.aspx?gclid=CMW1tvrmj6oCFRJV7AodQ1PqxQ (http://www.artbronze.com/heismantrophy.aspx?gclid=CMW1tvrmj6oCFRJV7AodQ1PqxQ) Title: Re: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: ssmith general on July 20, 2011, 06:25:53 AM It's a copy. Anybody could buy one for less than $1000. http://www.artbronze.com/heismantrophy.aspx?gclid=CMW1tvrmj6oCFRJV7AodQ1PqxQ (http://www.artbronze.com/heismantrophy.aspx?gclid=CMW1tvrmj6oCFRJV7AodQ1PqxQ) We should take up a fund and award a CRS Heisman. Title: Re: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: Chechem on July 20, 2011, 06:28:36 AM It's a copy. Anybody could buy one for less than $1000. http://www.artbronze.com/heismantrophy.aspx?gclid=CMW1tvrmj6oCFRJV7AodQ1PqxQ (http://www.artbronze.com/heismantrophy.aspx?gclid=CMW1tvrmj6oCFRJV7AodQ1PqxQ) We should take up a fund and award a CRS Heisman. Could happen. I'll kick in a Belize dollar. (http://edeninbelize.com/whybelize_files/belize2dollarbill-3-3-2.jpg) Title: Re: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: ssmith general on July 20, 2011, 06:31:33 AM It's a copy. Anybody could buy one for less than $1000. http://www.artbronze.com/heismantrophy.aspx?gclid=CMW1tvrmj6oCFRJV7AodQ1PqxQ (http://www.artbronze.com/heismantrophy.aspx?gclid=CMW1tvrmj6oCFRJV7AodQ1PqxQ) We should take up a fund and award a CRS Heisman. Could happen. I'll kick in a Belize dollar. (http://edeninbelize.com/whybelize_files/belize2dollarbill-3-3-2.jpg) I have a 100 pesos Title: Re: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: Chechem on July 20, 2011, 06:38:40 AM It's a copy. Anybody could buy one for less than $1000. http://www.artbronze.com/heismantrophy.aspx?gclid=CMW1tvrmj6oCFRJV7AodQ1PqxQ (http://www.artbronze.com/heismantrophy.aspx?gclid=CMW1tvrmj6oCFRJV7AodQ1PqxQ) We should take up a fund and award a CRS Heisman. Could happen. I'll kick in a Belize dollar. (http://edeninbelize.com/whybelize_files/belize2dollarbill-3-3-2.jpg) I have a 100 pesos Okay, and MW could help with a contribution. (http://www.csaquotes.com/images/831_T50CR361A-14535.jpg) Title: Re: Reggie Bush's family takes back Heisman Post by: BAMAWV on July 20, 2011, 06:50:14 AM (http://ts4.mm.bing.net/images/thumbnail.aspx?q=1035976840355&id=1eb9842d45533ab07e9e4ed91ce6bdbd&url=http%3a%2f%2fny-image2.etsy.com%2fil_fullxfull.125170238.jpg)