Title: Another hit for Georgia's backfield Post by: 2Stater on July 19, 2011, 07:15:43 AM http://espn.go.com/blog/sec/post/_/id/24773/another-hit-for-georgias-backfield
Quote Caleb King is gone and so is Washaun Ealey. Now it appears that the latest casualty in the Georgia backfield is junior Carlton Thomas, who according to a report in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution will be suspended for at least the first game of the season against Boise State. Georgia better hope their passing game is up to the task. Title: Re: Another hit for Georgia's backfield Post by: pmull on July 19, 2011, 08:32:24 AM I have always liked CMR but he better get his act together. He is on a short leash this year. A so-so year won't be good enough to keep his job. If Georgia decides to replace him Kirby Smart will be high on their list.
Title: Re: Another hit for Georgia's backfield Post by: 2Stater on July 19, 2011, 08:39:08 AM I have always liked CMR but he better get his act together. He is on a short leash this year. A so-so year won't be good enough to keep his job. If Georgia decides to replace him Kirby Smart will be high on their list. Yeah, probably at the top of it. Georgia needs to go 8-3 or better, I would think, or we may lose CKS. Title: Re: Another hit for Georgia's backfield Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on July 19, 2011, 08:56:45 AM I have always liked CMR but he better get his act together. He is on a short leash this year. A so-so year won't be good enough to keep his job. If Georgia decides to replace him Kirby Smart will be high on their list. Yeah, probably at the top of it. Georgia needs to go 8-3 or better, I would think, or we may lose CKS. Georgia has to go at least 9-3 and beat Florida and Auburn for CMR to be safe and UA keeping CKS. 8) |