Title: Another Ponzi Scheme Involving College Coaches Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 19, 2011, 11:23:09 PM This is really ugly. The NCAA is bound to come down on this.
Former Houston coach Tom Penders told Dan Wolken of The Daily that he was approached by Salinas in 2004 to invest $100,000. Penders passed despite a “strong, strong implication” that it would help Penders’ Houston program gain access to prospects who were part of Salinas’ AAU team http://beyondthearc.nbcsports.com/2011/07/19/report-gillispie-olson-lost-millions-in-possible-ponzi-scheme/related Title: Re: Another Ponzi Scheme Involving College Coaches Post by: BAMAWV on July 20, 2011, 04:50:36 AM I know Penders had NCAA trouble at GWU -- behavior of players, not anything against him as I recall. But how did his career go from winningest coach ever at UTx (at that time) to GWU and then to Houston (not sure if that is a step up or down)?