Title: "Alabama film review: Dissecting fourth-quarter drive Nick Saban called one of best in Tide history" Post by: WALL-E on November 16, 2014, 07:14:02 PM Alabama film review: Dissecting fourth-quarter drive Nick Saban called one of best in Tide history
Title: Re: "Alabama film review: Dissecting fourth-quarter drive Nick Saban called one of best in Tide hist Post by: Chechem on November 16, 2014, 07:35:34 PM Quote -- 2-G, MS 7 (8:15): Yeldon got something out of nothing. Stepping past tight end Brian Vogler, who was run over on the left side, Yeldon bounced it to a crease on the right end, and with a quick block from Cooper and another from Christion Jones, he had all the space he needed. Seven yards, touchdown... Good stuff. (http://www.woollyal.com/forums/images/smilies/bamadance.gif) |