Title: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 21, 2011, 10:40:25 AM Texas might actually bring the Big Whatever down, then where would they go?
Ahead of a Thursday closed-door, “informational”meeting of the A&M Board of Regents that will involve a discussion of The Longhorn Network, the Sporting News, citing unnamed sources, is reporting that TAMU as well as OU are so concerned over the network and the accompanying disadvantage that the schools could turn to the SEC if their fears aren’t satisfactorily allayed http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/07/20/rumors-surface-once-again-connecting-am-sooners-to-sec/related/ Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: cbbama99 on July 21, 2011, 11:02:31 AM Texas just seems intent on alienating every single school in the former Big 12. I think they are moving closer to becoming an independent and trying to pull a Notre Dame, at least in football. I have no problem with OU and TAMU joining up. More competition just makes the conference even stronger, and gives us even more in roads to Texas high schoolers.
Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on July 21, 2011, 11:04:17 AM The boogers would move to the east where they belong. A & M and Oklahoma move to SEC west.
8) Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: cbbama99 on July 21, 2011, 11:09:41 AM The boogers would move to the east where they belong. A & M and Oklahoma move to SEC west. 8) Exactly. The other Georgia team is already in the east, so it makes since that both should be. :P Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 21, 2011, 11:35:46 AM I hate to tell you guys the obvious, but I see Alabama & Auburn going to the East. It's the only logical move.
:dog: Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: pmull on July 21, 2011, 11:47:39 AM I hate to tell you guys the obvious, but I see Alabama & Auburn going to the East. It's the only logical move. :dog: Why? That would give 8 teams to the East and 6 to the West. Do you forsee someone from the East moving to the West in this scenario? Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: Coach Hank Crisp on July 21, 2011, 11:50:41 AM Bama and Boogers can't both move. That would give the east 8 teams and the west would remain at 6.
Bama stays in the west to keep it 7 teams. 8) Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 21, 2011, 11:53:24 AM I hate to tell you guys the obvious, but I see Alabama & Auburn going to the East. It's the only logical move. :dog: Why? That would give 8 teams to the East and 6 to the West. Do you forsee someone from the East moving to the West in this scenario? Yeah, you're right. No way we can split UA & AU up unless they still play every year, but that would mess up the Tide UT rivalry. Would the SEC play 9 conference games with 14 teams? That's the only answer I can come up with. ??? Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: BAMAWV on July 21, 2011, 12:13:08 PM Dumping USCe and Ark (my idea) still leaves someone to go to the east. ???
Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 21, 2011, 12:22:16 PM I don't see that happening and the only workable solution is the 9 conference games, but that limits the number of non-conference games. This results in the loss of revenue since every team as teams they play that don't require a home and away series, like Alabama/Southern Miss. Someone help me out!
:duh: Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: McBaman on July 21, 2011, 12:34:48 PM If this were to happen, where would it leave the Clemson talk??
Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: Marshal Dillon on July 21, 2011, 12:38:04 PM Clemson would be SOL. However, I think CLemson is a better fit for the SEC than South Carolina. They seem more like ACC material.
Title: Re: Oklahoma & Texas A&M to the SEC Talks Ongoing Post by: BAMAWV on July 21, 2011, 12:42:21 PM I don't see that happening and the only workable solution is the 9 conference games, but that limits the number of non-conference games. This results in the loss of revenue since every team as teams they play that don't require a home and away series, like Alabama/Southern Miss. Someone help me out! A schedule of 8 conference games. No more east and west. And the highest ranked (two best) teams play in SECCG.:duh: |