Title: "Alabama film review: Breaking down each young reserve as Tide offered peek at future" Post by: WALL-E on November 23, 2014, 06:36:01 PM Alabama film review: Breaking down each young reserve as Tide offered peek at future
Title: Re: "Alabama film review: Breaking down each young reserve as Tide offered peek at future" Post by: Chechem on November 24, 2014, 05:23:26 AM Quote -- Landon Collins offered a brutal welcome to kicker Richard Sigmon on the fake field goal. I asked him later if he felt a little bad for the lick he delivered. "He had the ball in his hands, you can't help how hard you hit him," Collins said with a chuckle... :lol: 8) Title: Re: "Alabama film review: Breaking down each young reserve as Tide offered peek at future" Post by: ricky023 on November 24, 2014, 09:52:46 AM Well done to all the 2nd and on down the line players. Man our young men are going to be great for Alabama. Baring the old injury bug. It happens so to often. There is no way to protect our players from injury, I know. Anyway I pray for their safety every week, looks like I ain't doing my job this whole season though. RTR!
Title: Re: "Alabama film review: Breaking down each young reserve as Tide offered peek at future" Post by: Jamos on November 24, 2014, 05:22:10 PM Quote -- Landon Collins offered a brutal welcome to kicker Richard Sigmon on the fake field goal. I asked him later if he felt a little bad for the lick he delivered. "He had the ball in his hands, you can't help how hard you hit him," Collins said with a chuckle... :lol: 8) I am worried about the way he tackles, he leads with his head and and he seems to always come off the field a little dazed after a big hit. How many more can it take before it puts him on the sidelines.:-\ Title: Re: "Alabama film review: Breaking down each young reserve as Tide offered peek at future" Post by: N.AL-Tider on November 24, 2014, 08:11:03 PM Well done to all the 2nd and on down the line players. Man our young men are going to be great for Alabama. Baring the old injury bug. It happens so to often. There is no way to protect our players from injury, I know. Anyway I pray for their safety every week, looks like I ain't doing my job this whole season though. RTR! It ain't you that isn't doing his job Brother Ricky. Conditioning usually plays a huge part when it comes to injuries, not always though... Sometimes, and I think this year has been a great example, injuries are just an example of just how tough the game is... |