Title: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: ssmith general on March 09, 2011, 08:58:36 AM "DJ Hall was a man with many gifts but many demons as well. He had speed, hands and elusiveness, but that didn't overcome his lackadaisical attitude, lack of courage, or his ability to buy into a successful process.
Though he left with many records as a receiver, he also left with the scorn of most of his teammates and an attitude that made him fail miserably at the next level despite having the talent. Hall went from being an asset on the team to a liability because of his attitude. When Saban came to take over the Tide in 2007, Hall was a star and he was upset that Saban didn't treat him like on" More here from BR (http://bleacherreport.com/articles/627924-alabama-football-dj-hallall-the-bad-attitude-wasted-talent-where-is-he-now) (http://cdn.bleacherreport.net/images_root/images/photos/001/149/271/DJ_crop_340x234.jpg?1299448753) Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: Marshal Dillon on March 09, 2011, 09:51:17 AM Great find smit. This pretty much answers what we all thought of this guy. My favorite part was this:
It finally came to a head when Hall was beaten up by another team member who saw that Hall no longer had the team's interest at heart, only his own. I wonder who gave him the butt whupping. Maybe we should start a thread and ask everyone who they think it is. :P Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: KoKoPuf on March 09, 2011, 10:29:01 AM I would guess John Parker Wilson.
Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: sbo1971 on March 09, 2011, 10:41:41 AM Nah!! JPW tended to had a similar mentality, maybe it was Glenn Coffee.
Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: ssmithhhh on March 09, 2011, 11:14:07 AM Great read.
DJ seriously underestimated (or disregarded/didn't care) the influence Saban had with the NFL coaches. In other words, he told interested coaches, "it is what it is, and HERE'S why it is". Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: ricky023 on March 09, 2011, 01:10:47 PM Well this was a shame if you saw the games on TV you could tell he gave up. Only when he wanted to catch a pass he would run fast and then later he would jog to the ball. It was so obvious. RTR!
Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: deahl001 on March 09, 2011, 01:11:35 PM I always thought he had so much opportunity. It's a shame he threw it away. Makes short, fat guys like me mad! :)
Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: ricky023 on March 09, 2011, 01:25:39 PM I always thought he had so much opportunity. It's a shame he threw it away. Makes short, fat guys like me mad! :) Me too and I am kind of tall and fat. lol, RTR! Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: Terrie1959 on March 09, 2011, 01:46:28 PM Nah!! JPW tended to had a similar mentality, maybe it was Glenn Coffee. What do you mean JPW had a similar mentality? Are you saying JPW and DJ were alike in that regard? I'm not sure exactly what you meant. If you did mean that JPW had the same attitude, why do you think that? I think JPW worked his butt off and never even heard about him slacking? Maybe he did - I just don't remember it. I'm just curious about what you meant. :) Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: ricky023 on March 09, 2011, 01:55:02 PM I agree JPW took a pounding and kept getting up and trying it again. He would take so many knock downs I would probably have quit but he didn't. RTR!
Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: Terrie1959 on March 09, 2011, 02:04:29 PM I agree JPW took a pounding and kept getting up and trying it again. He would take so many knock downs I would probably have quit but he didn't. RTR! Ricky - I KNOW I would've quit. I'd have given up if my line continued to let me get clobbered! Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: cbbama99 on March 09, 2011, 04:56:17 PM This is so sad and it is a shame to see a former Bama guy in this situation. If he had not put himself above everything else and toed the line as CNS asked, there is no telling where DJ's talent could have taken him.
Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: navychief on March 09, 2011, 05:08:41 PM It was Wesley Britt. They were arguing over the last cookie at lunch.
Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: Terrie1959 on March 09, 2011, 06:44:17 PM This is so sad and it is a shame to see a former Bama guy in this situation. If he had not put himself above everything else and toed the line as CNS asked, there is no telling where DJ's talent could have taken him. I agree. I mean, all he had to do was buy into CNS's program. Everyone knew that with CNS, we were on our way up and would win. I wonder if CNS would have ever even recruited DJ? I'm really sad to know that he ruined what could've been the best years. I hope he cleans up, grows up and succeeds in whatever he chooses to do. Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: Yellow Pup on March 09, 2011, 07:11:05 PM Karma ::)
Title: Re: Bleacher Report - DJ Hall, Bad Attitude & Wasted Talent, Where Is He Now? Post by: ricky023 on March 10, 2011, 04:52:31 AM It was Wesley Britt. They were arguing over the last cookie at lunch. Is this true Navychief? You had me lol on this one. RTR! |