Title: New Daniel Moore Painting - The Game Changers Post by: pmull on December 13, 2014, 08:24:33 AM (http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs122/1112120086266/img/123.jpg?a=1119461896985)
Quote New Life Art is pleased to announce the commencement of a new original masterwork in oils. "The Game Changers", by Daniel A. Moore. The painting will commemorate Alabama's decisive 55-44 comeback victory against the Auburn Tigers in the 2014 Iron Bowl (preliminary drawing, shown below). The diptych's left panel features Amari Cooper's 75-yard touchdown catch late in the third quarter to cut Auburn's lead to 2 points. Depicted on the right side is Blake Sims' 11-yard touchdown scramble on Bama's ensuing possession early in the fourth quarter. The touchdown gave the Tide a lead that it refused to relinquish. http://myemail.constantcontact.com/NEW----The-Game-Changers-by-Daniel-Moore.html?soid=1112120086266&aid=O9 |